By justjust - 28/03/2009 14:14 - United States

Today, I was at work at a preschool. I was sitting outside with the kids and was getting bored so I started singing. One of the little girls runs up and puts her hand over my mouth and tells me to stop. I'm in a select chorus at my highschool and plan to major in choral studies in college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 885
You deserved it 11 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bioclock 0

Don't take it too seriously. I know when I was younger, I got embarrassed when any of my family members would sing, regardless of whether they were good or not. I know you're not any of their parents, but it might be something similar.

Kids.....hehe. Maybe she did not like your song, I bet if you sang dora she would love it. XD 1st.....hahahah...Victory is MINE!


Kids.....hehe. Maybe she did not like your song, I bet if you sang dora she would love it. XD 1st.....hahahah...Victory is MINE!

Dora Dora Dora the explorer... DORA! come on fabinas, everybody let's go! come on let's get to it I know that we can do it! where are we going? doras house! where are we going? doras house! and OP, just cus ur in the select choir doesn't mean your actually good at singing. Sooo many people at my school that suck are in the S.C

22cute 17

Not everyone wants to hear you sing norther how good you think you are. People singing out loud is highly annoying. -vaminos

bioclock 0

Don't take it too seriously. I know when I was younger, I got embarrassed when any of my family members would sing, regardless of whether they were good or not. I know you're not any of their parents, but it might be something similar.

it's more of a kid thing that you being a bad singer. i don't remember who but there was a celebrity singer whose baby did the same thing

The great thing about children is that they are brutally honest, unlike the mature adults who are too polite to express their honest opinion. There are probably some people out their still trying to purse some dream because no one was honest enough to tell them the truth.

meaganinja 12

I know a girl like that. Absolutely tone deaf but she thinks she's fabulous. It makes it so much worse that she likes to pick on everyone else around her, including me, when she clearly can't acknowledge her own flaws.

kids do somewhat mean things just to do 'em.

Why did you post this? how did the moderating people let this through? This is not LULZ! I'm going to ask not to post things for the sake of getting sympathy.

Mads_1234 28

You idiot, that's what this site is for! To tell people about your bad experience and see what they think, whether they agree with you about it or not.

greatnt249 0

Inflated ego aside, OP, they probably just didn't want you to sing anymore. Just because you're "God's gift to choir" doesn't mean everyone wants to hear it.

I'm sure that the kid has nothing against your singing, Kids just don't seem to like stuff like that.

maybe its time to get the ole voice box removed