By Sebastian - 17/03/2009 23:06 - United States

Today, our school had tryouts for chorus. Everybody sang a snippet of the song together until the teacher stopped us, saying it sounded awful. He singled me out and told me to sing alone. After I sang the part, he said, "Son, your gift to God will be silence." FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 769
You deserved it 7 774

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well...maybe you should become a mime :0

kinda a dick move to signal you out and say something like that- but hey, what else are teachers good for? :] im sure you excel at other things. maybe art?? :D


Zooma_fml 0

So, seeing from reading this story, your voice sucks-ass and the teacher singled you out just to make fun of you. Obviously you deserve this since you are trying out for chorus, so ya, its your fault, idiot.

wrestler_fml 0

I think people who suck at singing should just shut up... and definitely not try out for chorus.

well...maybe you should become a mime :0

kinda a dick move to signal you out and say something like that- but hey, what else are teachers good for? :] im sure you excel at other things. maybe art?? :D

#1 is a asshole. Ok, so your voice is bad but your teacher shouldn't have singled you out in such a humiliating way. It was a very witty line she used though. :D You can't be good at everything, just learn to accept it, and find something else you like and are good at.

thinkpink 0

WAAAHHHH I suck at singing. That's why I never try it in front of others. I have no pity for you. We all wish we could sing, but the sad sad fact is that a very small percentage of us can.

flawedgenius 6

It's people like you that (according to my friends who watch these programs) what makes pop idol and other talent shows funny

Chaith 16

What teacher says snippy bullshit like that to his students? Stay in the choir. Ruin it for him at least.

ime_fml 0

That is horrible for the teacher to say, even if you are a bad singer, he should not have said that. Haha to #3 its a perfect idea

green_199 0

Start a punk band and write a song about how much he sucks.