By Anonymous - 01/04/2016 01:54 - Australia - Stafford

Today, my best friend finally broke up with her knob of a boyfriend. This would be great except now my boyfriend of two years has broken up with me because she's finally single. She introduced us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 519
You deserved it 1 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

groza528 17

When she rejects him, you'd better not take him back.

Ali_Br_fml 33

Damn, that's shit luck on your part. If he's like that though, he's not really worth it anyway.


Ali_Br_fml 33

Damn, that's shit luck on your part. If he's like that though, he's not really worth it anyway.

groza528 17

When she rejects him, you'd better not take him back.

And if she does take him, I don't suggest keeping her around either.

I believe there's a girl code about not dating your friend's ex. So chances are she won't accept him :P

If she does accept him you kill them both and say they were eaten by dingo's.

I hope your best friend turns him down because that's pretty messed up.

Tell your best friend what he did and why. He doesn't deserve either of you if he stayed with you just to be near her.

First, sorry to hear that OP. Second, excellent comedy show plot idea.

CheekyRaccoon 27

That sounds like a horrible show. So the premise is basically, he waits for years to have a chance with a girl. While he waits for an opportunity he'd date her friend, only to dump her once the other girl is single. So basically a Ross and Rachel, but only much worse.

emi_alejandra 23

Well Op hopefully your best friend will also reject him and then he won't have you or her. I'm sorry for what happened!

blcksocks 19

Maybe this is an elaborate April fools prank. Just maybe...

This is just wrong in so many many ways. A real best friend wouldn't do such things

What do you mean? All the best friend did is set them up. As far as we know she hasn't gotten with OP's now ex.