By brokennose - 26/08/2009 04:40 - United States

Today, I was at the bar and my friend and I were making fun of this guy wearing a Affliction muscle tee and bedazzled Ed Hardy hat. We were saying how he was the epitome of a douche bag and that he probably likes UFC. Turns out he's an MMA fighter and I now have a broken nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 782
You deserved it 67 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CrackhouseDoug 0

YDI for being so judgemental of a person's appearance.

Right above the comment box: "Speak your mind, but please try and be respectful." OP should have followed FML's advice.


You're joking, right? I'm an 100-pound girl and I spent all of high school beating the shit out of the wrestling and football teams.

holy shit man ANYONE could be an mma fighter Ed hardy or no Ed hardy so stfu. I'm a girl, I wear skinny jeans.. would you think I fight? no. don't open your mouth when you don't know shit

Hurt16 0

c this is y u don't make fun of ppl xpecially infront their face or within ear shot

this is just my opinion, but people who judge like that are much bigger jack-asses than the people who ordinarily get called douche-bags, and usually insecure

You are a douche bag. You didn't deserve to get hit. I practice MMA and while I don't wear Afflicition or Ed Hardy if you and your friend made fun of me I'd have just talked shit back. People who judge people without knowing them or talk about strangers within earshot of said stranger are not smart. Not everyone who wears an MMA shirt is a douche, some are just MMA fans and other may just like the shirt.

candy29 10

UFC is awesome.... ED Hardy not so much..

myunicornbarfedo 0

ahahahahaha you deserved that one XD still sorry about your broken nose.

when the guy looks like a douch, acts like a douch, but has the body of a MMA fighter. u don't say anything.