Self defence

By Anonymous - 10/11/2018 22:00

Today, a few years after getting mugged inspired me to start hitting the gym and taking karate classes, I was mugged again, this time in front of my girlfriend who I actually met at the gym. I was knocked out with one punch. It was the same mugger with the same neck tattoo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 876
You deserved it 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whiskey'swino 15

Seriously though- training in the gym is no match for someone who obviously has a lot of practice intimidating people enough in vulnerable situations t get their money. Don't beat yourself up, you already had enough of that.

Dignity, thy name is... oh, you left it anonymous. No surprise there.


Dignity, thy name is... oh, you left it anonymous. No surprise there.

You need to demand your money back! Both from your incompetent karate instructor and the mugger.

whiskey'swino 15

Seriously though- training in the gym is no match for someone who obviously has a lot of practice intimidating people enough in vulnerable situations t get their money. Don't beat yourself up, you already had enough of that.

next time strike first.If you hit them in the throat hard enough to cause difficulty breathing, their fighting skills wont count for shit.I've had several muggers pull knives on me and none of them have walked away fully intact.

should add,the last one was seizing on the ground from the beating i gave him when the cops showed up. and im 23 124lb F

Several muggers? Where the hell do you live?

Mungolikecandy 19

You hit someone in the throat first you get the murder or manslaughter charge against you as self defence does not apply if you strike first.

It might if they pulled a knife first, like what was said.

tounces7 27

You got mugged by someone who didn't even carry a weapon? And what did your girlfriend do then? Maybe you should start carrying a stun gun or something similar.

Mungolikecandy 19

You can do as much martial arts and gym work as possible and one lucky punch can take you down, that is the way it goes. I know a black belt in two martial arts who was decked when someone punched him when he was not ready for it.

tounces7 27

Thing is, this guy had already robbed him before. So just seeing him should have been a warning.

mug me once shame on you mug me twice shame on me

No amount of weight training or karate can fix a glass jaw

This is why we have the first amendment. Good work hitting the gym but it sounds like you should have been hitting the gun store and shooting range. No one deserves to be assaulted twice especially buy the same douche bag with a neck tattoo.

Second amendment. The first amendment is about free speech.