By brokennose - 26/08/2009 04:40 - United States

Today, I was at the bar and my friend and I were making fun of this guy wearing a Affliction muscle tee and bedazzled Ed Hardy hat. We were saying how he was the epitome of a douche bag and that he probably likes UFC. Turns out he's an MMA fighter and I now have a broken nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 781
You deserved it 67 547

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CrackhouseDoug 0

YDI for being so judgemental of a person's appearance.

Right above the comment box: "Speak your mind, but please try and be respectful." OP should have followed FML's advice.


whoever is talking shit about Ed hardy is because you can't afford it hahaha and OP you deserved that and more asshole...

$10? haha yea sure ill say you won idiot and you keep buying your clothing from those ghetto places hahaha poor ppl make me laugh...

thats why you dont judge people by their appearance,

chapin345_fml 0

So just because he wears a T shirt he's a douchebag?

You absolutely deserved this. So wearing an Affliction t-shirt and liking UFC makes someone a douchebag?? What the hell is so wrong with UFC? It's an awesome sport that takes an incredible amount of dedication and talent. And as for wearing Tapout/Affliction/etc... it does NOT make you a douchebag. My last boyfriend wore that stuff all the time and he's not a "rich, white, tough guy wannabe douchebag" or a "muscley, roided up thickneck". He's been doing karate for 15 years and has been training for MMA for 3 years. He's not a douchebag, he simply likes the brands and the fighters. Yes he's in good shape but the point isn't to flaunt that. Wearing those brands is just like football fans wearing a jersey for their favorite player, MMA fans wear shirts for their favorite fighters. That's what you get for judging people based on their clothes alone. And if this guy was an actual MMA fighter, he would be in good shape and it should have been fairly obvious that he could kick your ass. You're ******* dumb to make fun of him.

probs not the best idea to go parrading your views about someone looking like a douche bag. YDI

TarasTrouble 0

stop talkin shit just cause you dont dress the same. YDI. and ed hardy shit is sweet as hell and anyone who can pull off wearin his shit is a boss

MajorTom85 0

I'm gonna call BS on this post. I'm pretty sure most people who wear tapout/affliction/ed hardy stuff don't actually train mma. They just like MMA and like to look like they train.

So, if you wear a football or basketball jersey it's not because you like the sport and are supporting it, but you want to pretend that you play to impress people? Man, you're a ******* idiot, as the rest of the retards here who attribute wearing an MMA shirt to trying to be "bad-ass" or "pretend to know how to fight." That's like wearing a shirt that has a katana on it to pretend that you're a ******* Samurai. Grow the **** up people this isn't high school (or maybe for some it is), and if that's the case, then you STILL have a **** load of growing up to do.