By brokennose - 26/08/2009 04:40 - United States

Today, I was at the bar and my friend and I were making fun of this guy wearing a Affliction muscle tee and bedazzled Ed Hardy hat. We were saying how he was the epitome of a douche bag and that he probably likes UFC. Turns out he's an MMA fighter and I now have a broken nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 782
You deserved it 67 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CrackhouseDoug 0

YDI for being so judgemental of a person's appearance.

Right above the comment box: "Speak your mind, but please try and be respectful." OP should have followed FML's advice.


well clearly deserved it because your grammar is horrific !

ohioain 18

OP, I would have been doing the same thing. haha found them!!

I hate those brands, but I also hate Gucci & Burberry and don't run my mouth about people who decide to purchase them. He probably is a douche bag considering how violently he reacted but the number one rule of running your mouth is to never do it in earshot of a hot tempered person who can kick your sorry ass. Youre just as much of a dbag for not having any self restraint.

maybe you look gay. maybe you look nerdy. maybe you are short. maybe you are tall. no matter what you are, judging someone based on looks, especially out loud, is douchier than anything

serves you right for being so rude. Leave people alone and they will most likely leave you alone too. ydi