By ThatEndedWell - 07/01/2019 22:00 - United States - Staten Island

Today, I decided to challenge the jerk jock at work to a fight, since he kept poking fun at me for being a weakling. Having started taking MMA classes, I was confident I'd make him eat his words. Just my luck, he's an MMA instructor and kicked my ass effortlessly. Not what I had planned. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 166
You deserved it 4 616

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whiskey'swino 15

Fighting at work can get you fired. Running your mouth off and getting your ass whooped will get you laughed out the building. Which is worse? You ****** your own life here, more ways than one.

Jocks and fights? Is this a workplace or a high school?


whiskey'swino 15

Fighting at work can get you fired. Running your mouth off and getting your ass whooped will get you laughed out the building. Which is worse? You ****** your own life here, more ways than one.

manb91uk 22

You're not really a thinking kind of person are you?

Jocks and fights? Is this a workplace or a high school?

It actually could be both when you think about it. They could be staff members of a high school.

WeirdUS 29

Wow the ladies must be beating on your door. Grow up YDI

“Having started” taking classes? You’re not ready to fight right away! That’s like a pre-med student performing open-heart surgery.

Mungolikecandy 19

Violence, a stupid response to begin with if your life is not in danger. Also just started taking MMA classes? It is probably that anyone proficient as a street fighter would take you down until you are a way into it never mind a beginner.

Why would you challenge anyone at work? And fighting is used in self defense and sport only. Not to prove you have a pair. I’d be more ashamed of the weakness that let him get under my skin than getting my ass kicked.

On the bright side, the make up sex must've been fantastic, right?

No. OP is in idiot. The other guy is a dick for being mean but in the end can claim self defense if OP attacked him.

Dude, violence is never impressive. Unless you're The Punisher. And I don't think you're him.