By wtf - 09/06/2011 15:04 - United Kingdom

Today, I shat out a staple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 609
You deserved it 17 971

Same thing different taste

By mimi - 27/09/2011 02:51 - United States

Today, I shat a magnet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 681
You deserved it 35 744

Top comments

rockerbaby3192 0

this fml was so short i had trouble opening it on my iphone -.-


why the f$&@ would you eat a staple?

I'm sorry if that was a medical staple. that's serious, and may result in more damage then one would think. call your doctor

Good job. You successfully dissected your shit.

AllThatHit 7

the staple would dissolve in the acid in your stomach. so now the question is... why did you shove it up there?

misswendy_fml 0

this make no since. speak English.

it does make sense. learn to spell. shat is the past tense of the word shit.

I think the really fml was is that you were looking at your poop

good think u didnt go to an airport...

how the **** did it get inside you?!?!?!?