By wtf - 09/06/2011 15:04 - United Kingdom

Today, I shat out a staple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 609
You deserved it 17 971

Same thing different taste

By mimi - 27/09/2011 02:51 - United States

Today, I shat a magnet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 681
You deserved it 35 744

Top comments

rockerbaby3192 0

this fml was so short i had trouble opening it on my iphone -.-


I don't think that the plural of shit is "shat". hahaha.

meggieh815 0

it's the past tense. not plural. why would you need a plural of shit?

thats weired do you remember eating one

there's only one way to shit out a staple... you were stupid enough to eat one, idiot!

stoptrying 9

Yeah. You're an idiot for missing something that's usually incredibly tiny in food you possibly didn't make yourself. You should feel terrible that someone on the internet thinks so!

Ahhh, the simple ones are the best ^_^ Plus I giggled a little when I saw that you were from Edi. Scotland FTW!!

Apparently, this FML took people a few tries on an iPod. I had no trouble with the Wp7 one. Is the screen that small?

haha im on an ipod.... and i had no trouble

YoungBanks 3

that's a shitty situation.