By wtf - 09/06/2011 15:04 - United Kingdom

Today, I shat out a staple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 609
You deserved it 17 971

Same thing different taste

By mimi - 27/09/2011 02:51 - United States

Today, I shat a magnet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 681
You deserved it 35 744

Top comments

rockerbaby3192 0

this fml was so short i had trouble opening it on my iphone -.-


Prankster7o7 5

Pissed me off, so I gave up on it.

andrew7mae 0

did you go all scavenger to find it?

it's sad that over half of the comments on here have to do with people not being able to open this on their iPod/iPhone/iPad/iPieceOfShit

Mr. Stapler.. That's just an ordinary day for you.

how did it get there.. but im sure the postoffice would love to hire you.. cause your like that donkey that ***** out gold, but instead of gold you shit out syamps :D

emodude44 0
justfienne 12

I love it when they're short, sweet, and to the point. =]

temp4comment 0

Maybe he didn't eat it, and maybe the stapler seemed like a good ***** at the time.