By wtf - 09/06/2011 15:04 - United Kingdom

Today, I shat out a staple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 609
You deserved it 17 971

Same thing different taste

By mimi - 27/09/2011 02:51 - United States

Today, I shat a magnet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 681
You deserved it 35 744

Top comments

rockerbaby3192 0

this fml was so short i had trouble opening it on my iphone -.-


meggieh815 0

.. But you didn't give up on it. Your comment is on here. :)

ok the past tense of shit is shit not shat. i shit a staple not i shat a staple you sound retarded

soulfulemo 0's shat. it can be shit, but shat is correct.

William Shat near the toilet & it really it kinda fast, star trek fans will understand...but seriously OP, were you pulling staples with your teeth & didn't realize you swallowed one or do you think somebody put a staple in your food? either way I hope it didn't puncture any of your insides! :(

redshortsx 0

you're retarrrrded!!!! don't eat a dang staple!

Sounds like one staple diet you got there!

snowdrift 6

STAPLES!?! I never had any staples!!!!!!!

I'm hoping that you saw because it was already visible and not because of something else.