

About Bshady96

*insert bio here* uhm too lazy to post anything especially since im on my phone, so ill just say a little bit that u should/shouldnt know about me only use FML on my phone yes theres a monkey on my shoulder i like turtles... no really i got a shirt that says it i use FML when im bored, usually to read the comments for trolling/debates/or just plain funny comments if i ever need a laugh my initials are BS (laugh it out trolls) and im a big fan of eminem, hence BShady my real name is bertrand, so if you by any chance know me in person u can either egg my grandmas house or stop by and say hi... yes there will be akwardness oh look i just posted a bio! if theres anything else u want to know about me feel free to stal... i mean ask through message or however it works on FML.

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Keen reader – Level: master ninja

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Keen reader – Level: student ninja

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The return of the thumb

You have thumbed 5000 comments.

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You have left your thumbprint on 2500 comments.


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YDI Master

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50 favorites

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50 quality comments

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100 kick-ass comments

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It's in the can!

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One more and it's business time

You've received 68 Hugs on your profile. Kinky.

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