By Larentiah - 26/02/2012 22:18 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Pontiacman92 - 29/08/2013 07:07 - United States - Pueblo
By Anonymous - 03/07/2013 17:35 - United States - Winter Springs
That's my jam
By Anonymous - 29/10/2023 06:00 - Germany - Welle
Morbid cringe
By Anonymous - 15/08/2020 02:02
Forever alone
By forever alone - 27/03/2022 16:00
By embaressed - 27/01/2009 17:33 - Canada
By Anonymous - 16/01/2012 16:10 - United States
By mymidlifecrisis - 08/09/2016 04:53 - United States - Valley Village
Tay-Tay rules
By Not a swiftie - 21/04/2024 06:00 - Australia - Sydney
Emotional journey
By sad and embarrassed guy - 21/09/2024 13:00 - United States
Top comments
Wow. its okay, just listen to some justin bieber...
Sonic assault is never the answer, except in extradition cases.
#7, you have Justine's hairstyle....
Why, she would just have more of a legit reason to thumb down the songs!
7 Yes, he is a very nice lady
I'm sure you're beautiful OP. Think highly of yourself and others will follow. Now I don't mean turn into a conceited female dog, but have a little confidence. This is probably just a phase, you'll get over it. Good luck!
On an unrelated note, 70's comment nearly made me laugh out loud. Either sarcasm flys completely over her head, she's a complete stereotypical blonde, or she's extremely optimistic. Her comments do amuse me nonetheless!
Maybe you should try to boost your confidence op? Try changing your style or focusing on your features you like
#67 I know this has nothing to do with the thread but damn girl u have amazing hair!
Juicystar777- The only thing I can think of when I read your comments is "oh honey, please tell me you aren't that oblivious." Then I read your profile and you confirmed my fears. You seem like a sweet person, but you are oblivious to sarcasm. I'm sure they weren't literally calling you a genius, but I can honestly say I enjoy your oblivion it makes for a great read. Keep the comments coming juicy, we all enjoy them :)
She's not trying to kill herself.
She's not trying to kill herself with Justin Bieber.
#70 is always nice, but all her comments make her look so stupid.
Guys!! Shes in her own bubble, we should sit and watch before we spook her! I think we should just observe and see what happends
115 - no, I'm pretty SURE you won't find my pic on "tumblr" unless you've seen it recently. I do have a tumblr and I posted the pic I have on my FML account there, but only my school knows about yes, that is me :P although im not going to lie, I did kind of copy the whole cliche that people do of taking pics like that (with their hair showing) so yeah :P lol
Juicy- Girl for your own sake I suggest you google sarcasm and trolling... You are too oblivious for your own good
Lol dont trolls have red hair! XD
I agree. I think Juicy knows exactly what she's doing and is putting one over on all of us.
165- Sarcasm: A way of insulting idiots without them knowing.
#180, damn! I've been going with the wrong definition for 16 years thanks for the clarification! (hint: u should google the definition cause that's definitely not it)
179, that just sounds like ur calling urself a girl now
68, depression is a serious psychological condition. When people say they're depressed day-to-day, they clearly have no clue what real depression is, they're just down...
165- You were doing so good, but you blew your cover there with, "Don't trolls have red hair?". Very impressive trolling. If you are just that oblivious, there's nothing I can say to insult you further than what you've said yourself.
Sounds like you should seek some sort of counseling.
I feel you, sister. =/
Sounds like you should shut the **** up.
I have a brother and sister
I was referring to OP.
Bitches be jelly!
Don't worry OP, if you're like the rest of society who tries to come up with reasons why you're better than them, it should go a little like this: 'Oh they're more attractive, I bet they have more sex, which makes her a *****, so by default I'm better'. That's why I embrace open sexuality, because the only reason it's looked down upon is to make people who aren't having sex feel better. It's just human stupidity at its finest. But I bet you're better than that. Go find yourself a man who thinks so aswell!
I think he means like... MrMisfit... It's kinda blindingly obvious, bro.
What's blindingly obvious?
Oh you think I'm the retarded MrMisfit? well I'll have you know that I'm not related in any way to him/her. I'm Ryan parkinson from north carolina, but I moved out to San francisco to pursue graphic art, actually you can view some of my portfolio on deviant art!
Im Elvis.
I am, your father
Forget the huffy bike, young one, you still have much to learn. Together we could rule the galaxy!
Oh, and by the way, that chick you banged.. she was your sister.
Everyone is at least a little insecure. But that's too much.
you aren't alone.. i do that too..
Frankly, that's pretty sad.
I agree.
It accomplishes how stupid and ignorant you are, honestly. A lot of people would do it, but a lot wouldn't. I don't blame anyone who rates my comment bad.. it's truly pathetic.
Don't be too hard on yourself, bro/sis. Acknowledging you have a problem is the first step to beating it.
eh, it's better to be real hard on my self.. otherwise i would be a carefree emotional brat crying over my looks all the time. I'm not as bad as I was before.
Seriously? If it's gotten to that point, get help. Feeling inadequate about one's appearance is unhealthy but unfortunately expected. That level of feeling inadequate is really, really unhealthy. Get some help in the self-esteem department.
Most pictures of models And women like that are enhanced. No one actually looks like that. Not to mention I don't believe someone should be judged by their appearance.
"Damn you Beyoncé!!!" *thumb down*
"Thank you, Susan Boyle!!!" *Thumbs up*
41 ment to thumb you up-- add 2 to be more accurate
Lol that's just sad
A thoroughly wrong and deeply flawed response. This is a most indecent and inadequate way of thinking... *Too..many..big..words..brain..commencing..self-destruct..sequence..*. What I meant to say is every women is beautiful. (no sarcasm for you sarcasm non-detecting individuals) *duck! The trolls attack!*.

Wow. its okay, just listen to some justin bieber...
Sounds like you should seek some sort of counseling.