By Anonymous - 23/02/2015 17:56 - United States

Today, I'm sick with a stomach flu. For the last 5 hours, I've been going back and forth from the couch to the bathroom. Each time I get into the bathroom, I have to make a choice of whether to sit on the toilet or kneel by it. Each time I have to clean up the other mess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 638
You deserved it 5 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

Sit on the toilet with a bucket or trash can in front of you...?

Just use a bucket in front of you so you don't have to clean up any puke!! Best way to go. (Line the bucket or bowl or whatever with a garbage bag so u can easily throw it out)☺️☺️ hope you feel better soon!!


I just did that for the last 4 days. It sucks but you'll get better

that's when I would do both in the shower

Why would you admit this ? No one wants to hear this

Been there and almost done that. Try sitting on the toilet with a puke bucket especially if its happening that much. It will save you from a shitty situation..

put a trash can in front of the toilet so you can do both.

kgardn15 9

.....why didn't you just sit on the toilet with a small, empty trash can in your lap?

AkaPanda 12

Bucket? Pot? Pan? I'm sure there is something that would be a better option and when in doubt google that shit

Isn't the toilet usually by the tub?? Just lean over it, or use a trashcan/bucket. I'm sorry you're feeling yucky, but save yourself the hassle and put some thought into this...