Or run?

By Anonymous - 23/12/2023 00:00 - Australia

Today, I booked my car in for a service, with the intention of taking the courtesy bus to work. I got there at 8:45am, and the receptionist told me the courtesy bus was 10 minutes away. Work is 1.5km away, so I told my boss that I might be a couple of minutes late. Fifty minutes later, the bus came. I should've walked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 443
You deserved it 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why not walk? That's literally a 10 min walk

EricW 4

it was just a 20 minutes walk… are you lazy?


EricW 4

it was just a 20 minutes walk… are you lazy?

Why not walk? That's literally a 10 min walk