By FractalSanity - 01/02/2009 08:11 - Canada

Today, my best friend was crying because her boyfriend is a retard. I brought my thumb up to wipe a tear off her face, and somehow stuck it up her nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 621
You deserved it 11 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol You can pick your friends You can pick your nose But you can't (or atleast should not) pick your friend's nose!

Now she won't think her boyfriend's that bad anymore. You're done.


shattered_wings 0

awww this one made me smile b/c if my best friend (who is a guy) did that to me, it would make me smile and fall for him even more than I already am.. :)

karmaSUCKS321453 0

it's funny because she has a retarded boyfriend and is selfish enough to act sad because she doesn't deserve him being retarded. oh wait, no it ****** up because sorry I messed up :(

Y_U_19029 0

how much gold did you dig that day?

Now she won't think her boyfriend's that bad anymore. You're done.

lol You can pick your friends You can pick your nose But you can't (or atleast should not) pick your friend's nose!

#14 nick ... >.> but at least it made her lol

Ratchet319 0

your pic just made me LOL so hard. thanks :D

hicrihicri 0

"friend zone" is your home now, sorry

bfly1890 0

Well hopefully that broke then tension a little

Cantexplain1234 0

Hahahaha. Incredible, only in my group of friends it wouldnt be fml, they'd crack up for like ten minutes. And get over it sooner.

I'm sorry but that actually cracked me up. That is genuinely hilarious, that must have made her laugh, it would have killed me. Nothing can seem that bad when your friends thumb is in your nose lol

emobabe31509 0

im sorry but thats just funny.......

a friend wiped my tears like that once. my heart pretty much melts every time i remember it. if he had stuck his thumb up my nose in the process.... at the time it would have cheered me up even more and now the memory would be even more endearing