Watch where you're going

By Marriage at it's finest.. - 22/05/2021 13:59

Today, I was riding my scooter and humming a tune while doing so. It happened to be the tune you hear at weddings. I got married to the garage door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 304
You deserved it 717

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ojoRojo 27

That’s not how it works...

I'm assuming that kissing your new life partner translated to a sudden impact with it?


ojoRojo 27

That’s not how it works...

If you can can find love and happiness with your garage through marriage, I wish you a happy marriage, OP. Love is love.

I'm assuming that kissing your new life partner translated to a sudden impact with it?

Any faster and your family would have been humming the funeral dirge. As it is, they're probably still laughing at you.

thatswhatshesaid 3

This fml and the comments gave me a good laugh 🤣