Relationship goals

By Anonymous - 24/05/2024 23:00 - United States

Today, the woman I’ve loved, cared for, and nursed through cancer, left me for her ex since he wants to get married and I don’t. I didn’t know that a piece of paper and a white dress mean more than unconditional love and support. FML
I agree, your life sucks 454
You deserved it 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

anony_mouse 2

If all it is is a piece of paper and a white dress to you, you should've given it to her. Seems like your love is conditional when it came to marrying her.

Now you know. You learn something new everyday.


anony_mouse 2

If all it is is a piece of paper and a white dress to you, you should've given it to her. Seems like your love is conditional when it came to marrying her.

Now you know. You learn something new everyday.

Remember this - “People crave a degree of stability and predictability.”’At its heart that’s what marriage is - A commitment… Yes, marriages can fail and is no eternal guarantee. But everyone tends to have some non-negotiable goals and that was one for your ex.

If its' just a piece of paper, and it's so important to her, why didn't you just do it to make her happy?

And this discussion never came up previously?