By Anonymous - 23/02/2015 17:56 - United States

Today, I'm sick with a stomach flu. For the last 5 hours, I've been going back and forth from the couch to the bathroom. Each time I get into the bathroom, I have to make a choice of whether to sit on the toilet or kneel by it. Each time I have to clean up the other mess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 638
You deserved it 5 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

Sit on the toilet with a bucket or trash can in front of you...?

Just use a bucket in front of you so you don't have to clean up any puke!! Best way to go. (Line the bucket or bowl or whatever with a garbage bag so u can easily throw it out)☺️☺️ hope you feel better soon!!


Bucket, ice cream pail, trash can, even a pot if you have nothing else would save you having to clean up the mess that would surely have me heaving again!

KaywinnetLeeFrye 15

I know it's been said but how was the concept of throwing up in the trash can too much for you? Sucks that you're sick but ydi for not putting some thought into it.

Just lay down in the shower. Water washes all ?

ranger2867 16

Damn OP! Nothing worse then having to clean up your own sick when you're sick!!! Although maybe practice aiming at the sink? Whatever end is facing it at the time, I suppose

Your life sucks for being sick, but you deserve it for the cleaning up part, if you don't have a trash can just use a plastic bag to throw up in(each time a different bag if possible ) it's not rocket science!

Sit on a bucket or trash can with the toilet in front of you...?

Yeah ditto the bucket of trash can OP.....

Always choose to sit - then pick up the wastebasket and hold it in front of you. That makes the mess considerably easier to clean.