By AudraRose - 07/09/2011 16:57 - United States

Today, I have my very first gynecologist appointment. I'm 15. My mom wants to "be on the safe side" and make sure I'm not sexually active. This is my punishment for being a virgin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 556
You deserved it 3 539

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell your mom, now that you had something shoved up your ****** by a doctor, you're curious what a penis feels like.

Better safe than sorry, I guess? That does suck though, seeing as it's not necessary until you are sexually active. So that's a lot of discomfort for nothing. Your mom not trusting you is pretty rough, too. Sorry, OP!


K_kanaka 26

Well that really sucks when your mom doesn't trust you.

cimh 9

Maybe she just doesnt want to be a grandma, yet?

Do you realize how lucky you are? Your mother cares about you. She wants you to be safe whatever you do. I'm sure that she believes that you are a virgin, but she wants you to know everything you need to know about your body and contraception IN CASE you have sex later in life. And you will, won't you? Even if you wait several more years, the visit will not be wasted. How is knowing more about your body and your health a "punition"? It does not prevent you to remain a virgin for now, if that is your choice. And imagine that you have a condition that your ob-gyn only can detect? Then won't you be happy that you went? Not all diseases having to do with the reproductive system are sexually transmitted. She could also vaccinate you against HPV, and that vaccine is at its maximum efficiency when you are still a virgin. Of course, the visit can be intimidating a unpleasant, but there's nothing shameful about it and it's definitely worth the trouble. I hope you'll have a great, understanding doctor who will make you feel at ease and tell you what you need to make informed choices about your sexuality in the future.

I couldn't read all that, I'm sorry but I'm dumb.

Well that's good because it was mostly meant for the person who posted in the off chance that she reads, and you can get my drift from the first paragraph anyway.

The future is dim indeed if you can't read all that. **** all our lives.

eln3mo13 8

your future is dim if you swallow a freaking Coke bottle like your profile picture suggests haha

OK, so having read the FML more carefully, it appears that the author's mom does not trust her daughter. But there's medical secrecy, and the author can still take advantage of seeing the doctor to ask about birth control and safe sex, so it's still a great opportunity, isn't it? Much MUCH better than being denied access to contraceptives by controlling parents.

I agree, foudufafa Though I do recognize that it is a VERY uncomfortable experience. I'm well into my 20s and I'm still unable to get up the courage to see a gyno (though I know I should). Perhaps if the process started earlier with me I would not feel this...icky about it. Which would make things a lot less awkward to handle when stuff does go wrong "down there" and you need to check it out.

I am in my 30's and feel uncomfortable seeing my gynecologist, but it is because I am a man and he makes me call him "daddy". Strange world we live in if he can get a medical degree

foudufafa, I just wanted to say that I love your username! Flight Of The Conchords is awesome!!

If he make u call Him "daddy" I'd change my gyno if I were u

audiophileMom 11

20, you are one smart cookie! Kudos to your comment, really! I cannot believe that there are still morons out there that don't go to see a doctor as soon as they hit their first period. Something seriously wrong with false Christians and puritans! As far as the OPs mother goes: if she just expects the doc to tell her if her daughter's still a virgin, she's a moron, too, especially since it doesn't work like that and it's none of her business anyways.

TraceCase_ 19

eln3mo13, your future is the dimmest of them all if you think doc's pic suggests someone swallowed that bottle.

So for some reason the less innocent a girl my age is the less interest I have in them. I know I'm a terrible person but I just don't feel ok with that I think it should be the girls choice. **** the law I think what is more important is what is right not really for me but for each person

The bottle wasn't swallowed. Look closer and think.

herpitydurteedur 0

I hate getting shots. Whenever I get them I get 10 times sicker than I normally would and it stays that bad each time I do get sick. No flu shot? No flu. Just my yearly bout of strep throat for about 3 days of excruciating pain then I'm all better :3 my mom made me get the gardasil shot and after the first one I'm like ****. NO. so everytime they say oh you need to start over now Im like not gonna happen. See you in 3 months for a refill of levora.

218 - I've recently restarted my Gardasil shots. I think I'd rather have a sore arm and a fever for an hour (both side effects I got from the shot) than cervical cancer and chemo. Just sayin'.

104, there's no need to see a doctor once you start your period. It's not unnatural. Actually, you need to see one if you don't during the time most hit puberty. I don't believe in going unless something is drastically wrong. When you start a period, it's not like a disese, and you need to make sure that you're bleeding properly. It just happens, and it let's you know you're healthy.

audiophileMom 11

You go in for checkups once your reproductive system kicks in... Everyone SHOULD know that.

Your mom is just jealous no one wants to look at her ****** anymore

Mokiikom_fml 8

You little children commenting on this site are getting increasingly more stupid and annoying with your brainlessness and utter vulgarity.

Just because his profile says that? You my friend are a ******* idiot! I could put anything in my profile and your dumb ass would believe it. Ohhhhh by the way..... I don't like you either!

skata 4

135- So we should be more like you and condemn someone when they make a joke? What would this site be like then?

boredblonde 17

thats kind of hilarious. but at least there must be some guy in the picture. yeah, my high school is full of fairy tale guys but they're not the princes, they're the trolls so my mom doesn't have to worry about an appointment until college.

gynecology isn't sexy or anything, stupid. there's nothing at all sexual about it.

Angelrose2004 17

Don't feel bad; my dad had me start getting birth control shots when I was 16, "because you never know when you'll have sex." Gee Dad, Thanks for encouraging me to lose my virginity... Give me a guy and i'll be good to go!

Poor you, having a dad who cares about your health! I know it feels cringe as in a way, it's your parents interfering with your sex life, but the shots won't make you have sex if you don't want to, right? So rationally, you can only win by taking the shots. Also, having sex is like growing up, there's nothing bad about it, and he's not encouraging you, just acknowledging the fact that you'll have sex AT SOME POINT.

Mokiikom_fml 8

Actually, getting birth control is really helpful to get your body's hormones behave, especially around that time of life when that can be pretty chaotic and cause all sorts of problems. Many girls start birth control even before losing their virginity, simply as a way to ensure they'll have regular periods. It also reduces your likelihood of getting cancer, so it's an all around good thing. It's not ONLY for sex. It doesn't mean your dad is a jerk. You're just ungrateful...

haleyyraee96 0

At least you're dad cares. My dad will jump my ass if I had sex, he doesn't trust me even though I'm not sexually active. So just be glad he's not over protective like mine.

The only birth control 'shot' is depo. And it stops your period because it shuts down your reproductive system. So if she's getting a bc shot, it's not helping regulate her system, it is actually screwing it up. If you take it too long, it can shut your system down for good. My sister in law has 3 kids, then took depo for 4 years and hasn't been able to conceive while trying for the last 2 years. The shot is an easy bc because you only have to get it every 3 months. I get it 2 or 3 times in a row then I'll stop it and let my system kick back up then start again. It's dangerous because not having a regular period can cause blood clots. So if she is on depo, it's only for the not to get pregnant factor. Which kinda sucks, to not be trusted.

Oh jeez, that comment sounds so bad, sorry. It is good your dad cares though. I lost my virginity at 14, to a guy I had been dating already for 2 years, we were both virgins, him 15. My mom called me a ****, *****, you name it I heard it... Every time she was mad at me for YEARS!! I'm now 21, married to him, we have a 2 year old daughter and own a house! And I still can't get over the crap I went through, when mom found out. You may not realize it. But for your father to understand things happen and care enough to put you on birth control is kinda awesome! You will understand one day, as awkward as it is now.

Hon, you are fifteen years old. Your mother does not have the legal right to go in with you to a procedure if you do not give her permission. Also, no matter how many times your mother asks your doctor if you are still a virgin, he cannot reveal any information to her. You may be a minor, but doctor-patient privilege applies. He can't tell your mother a damn word. And if he does, you are perfectly within your legal rights to sue him.

Your first sentence makes me cringe. 15 all grown up and ready to get railed up the ass huh... Her parents have to support her till she's 18 so really it is their business what bodily discharge gets launched into her uterus.

Mokiikom_fml 8

#34 You are 100% wrong. All you said is wrong, it only applies for people over 18. NOT 15, which is legally still a child. Who are you to encourage children to go get sexed up??? She's a kid, not even of legal age yet. You're either a sick **** of an adult or you're also a little child like her, and running your mouth off about things you don't understand.

Boy, when I was 15 I was sexed up already, as are a lot of children that age and younger. I lusted after men and masturbated like crazy. I was not ready and waited for a couple more years because I was never pressured to have sex (funny that! I'd been to the gyno, my mum put condoms in the bathroom and I didn't go on a sex rampage!), but I don't find it shocking that 15-year-olds are sexually active. Teens being kept away from the facts about their sexuality and denied birth control and condoms IS ******* disgusting though. Now you can either bury your head in the sand and call me, and the thousands of women like me, "sick *****", or you can admit that sex drive develops when it develops.

I don't see why people just don't say **** it and not go. Personally I'd rather have cancer than a gynecology exam (I'm male by the way) or a prostate exam.

They ought to fix this commenting problem this is not at all where it was supposed to go

HungerGames95 13

seriously? most states have different laws regarding dr patient privilege for minors! not every state's are the same. in my state the doctor can only tell my parents if I am in danger... if I had aids, yes they'd tell my parents... if I l went to talk to my doctor about getting birth control like a responsible person, no they can't inform my parents. it's different for every state! I don't know why that's so hard for people to grasp!!

Exact same thing happened to me at that age. Parents can be so paranoid.

Samething here as well when I was 15. But since OP is a minor she doesn't have to let her mom in the room. I did because I was afraid of my mom on the way home back if I didn't let her. Funny thing is since I was a virgin, the way back home she was apologizing the whole time. lol. But in all seriousness I'm sorry OP that sucks, and me and the one above me know how it feels. Idk someone would thumbs down her comment, just because her mom took her? um okay.