
By Whatdoido - 25/07/2021 18:01

Today, I found out I have syphilis. I only slept with one person in my entire life, my boyfriend of 2 years. When I told him about it, he burst into tears and said, "It was one time at a company party" and "Maybe if you put some Vagisil or something, it will go away." Seriously? FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 023
You deserved it 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It can usually be cured with a short course of antibiotics, but get it sorted as quick as you can as it can cause serious complications. and get rid of the boyfriend NOW.

In reply to your username, run away as fast as you can! I'm surprised that idiot survived the TidePod challenge and the bleach-drinking craze. The one upside of this episode is found out definitively that you DON'T want to procreate with that one. Move along, nothing to see here.


In reply to your username, run away as fast as you can! I'm surprised that idiot survived the TidePod challenge and the bleach-drinking craze. The one upside of this episode is found out definitively that you DON'T want to procreate with that one. Move along, nothing to see here.

It can usually be cured with a short course of antibiotics, but get it sorted as quick as you can as it can cause serious complications. and get rid of the boyfriend NOW.

Thankfully, it can be cured with antibiotics. If you were stupid enough to let it go untreated, it could lead up to brain damage and DEATH. So kinda a big deal. So yeah, make your choices. And lose the stupid cheater. It probably wasn't "just one time," he's still a cheater even if it was, he's a liar, and he's a moron. Run away and take those meds like your life counts on it! enjoy your freedom and thank modern medicine for your recovery!

superjew 8

She never said he cheated on her, he very well could’ve had it before he even met her. However, from a legal stand point, he absolutely knew he had it, and she could sue him for assault and a few other things

One time at a company party? He either found the skankiest ho ever, and just had really unfortunate luck (doubtful) or he’s been sleeping around the block the whole time. Get anti-biotics. If you’re in the states sic the CDC on that bastard because I thin syphilis is mandatory reporting. Don’t know how many other women he’s put at risk for permanent infertility or the like. ******* moron and ******* Bastard.

Doom_Kitty 12

Maybe you could work out together the cheating-thing but, hell no - never date an idiot. And he clearly is one according to his "advice".

Get rid of that asshole. And please get treatment fast. You deserve better.