
By MrZach - 21/11/2009 23:21 - United States

Today, I had a tooth pulled. An hour or so later, I removed the gauze from my mouth, because I thought the bleeding had stopped. I got on my laptop. A few minutes later I looked down, to see that I had drooled blood all over the keyboard, and didn't know because my mouth was numb. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 876
You deserved it 33 944

Same thing different taste

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Unfortunately I didn't feel it on my hands, because I have a wireless mouse. Therefore my hands weren't on the keyboard.

betseyville 6

not true. i had 4 teeth removed in one day and the dentist said i could take the gauze out in one hour. i took it out in hour and fell asleep because of the pain medicine. i woke up to what looked like a murder scene in my bed, with blood on my pillows, sheets, shirt, and mouth. i ended up having to walk around the house carrying a grocery bag wherever i went because i would have to spit out the gauze almost every half hour because it would fill up with blood.


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I have had numerous oral surgery done in my mouth and learned that you should wait 45 mins and then replace your gauze with new ones. Do that 2 to 4 times and you're good, but rinse your mouth a lot. And who stares at their computer screen with their mouth open? Well Novocain does wonders, I don't think you're computer is broken though.

blland 0

I have had numerous oral surgery done in my mouth and learned that you don't get any treatment in china and people don't freak out there.

i just had my teeth pulled two days ago as well, your lucky u didn't get a dry socket and trust me thats really a FML

This is why you ask the dentist in advance how long until it's safe to remove the gauze. YDI for being stupid.

Maybe they don't know the exact time to take out the gauze...? dumbass

not always true. I had oral surgery before. Removed he guaze after the dentist said it should of been ok and it bled like a mother ******.

thats why you keep that shit in there! But how the hell do you not know you're drooling? I mean the kids mouth was open and everything, the gag reflex is still there ________________________________

betseyville 6

not true. i had 4 teeth removed in one day and the dentist said i could take the gauze out in one hour. i took it out in hour and fell asleep because of the pain medicine. i woke up to what looked like a murder scene in my bed, with blood on my pillows, sheets, shirt, and mouth. i ended up having to walk around the house carrying a grocery bag wherever i went because i would have to spit out the gauze almost every half hour because it would fill up with blood.

3rd I think! and yuucckk. hopefully your laptop is okay. put that gauze back in!

X0XyentroucX0X 0

**** putting the gauze back in stand over a bowl or something...yuck!!

But weren't your fingers wet from the few minutes that you drooled on them? You'd think you would have noticed that. Next time just keep your mouth shut. That traps all the drool inside.

maybe he was looking at some food or **** and could keep his mouth open eh?

Your hands must have been numb too, not to notice the drool all over the keyboard

Unfortunately I didn't feel it on my hands, because I have a wireless mouse. Therefore my hands weren't on the keyboard.

be honest, did you left you mouth open? :D

AnaMaree 0

Don't tell me you were looking up **** and left your mouth wide open. do realize that when people use the computer, they don't have their hands planted on the keyboard every second?

blah123blah 0

you must be fat, not being able to see the keyboard.

Stfu and stop calling people fat. You don't sound smart when you call people fat while trying to state your point.

