By coward - 03/10/2015 10:13 - United Kingdom

Today, after 4 days of avoiding me and screening his calls, my 24-year-old boyfriend sent his mother to break up with me on his behalf. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 785
You deserved it 2 027

Same thing different taste

Top comments

An adult who can't act like one... Good riddance to bad rubbish OP. Sorry he was that immature.

DappeRB 12

Sounds like you're better off without him.


DappeRB 12

Sounds like you're better off without him.

An adult who can't act like one... Good riddance to bad rubbish OP. Sorry he was that immature.

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vb68_fml 28

You seem to know something we don't...or you just didn't read...

As much as it hurts right now, it's a good thing he's gone. If he couldn't have broken up with you himself and given you the respect you deserve, he wasn't worthy of you.

Someday in the future (like tomorrow) you will look back and realize that it was the best thing that ever happened to you.

ohmyrosie 14

yeah you didn't lose anything of worth from that relationship

Lol such a coward he is! Fortunately you're saved.

I know that feel. My 21-year-old ex ignored me for a full month and then broke up with me over text. What is wrong with some people?

I'm confused as to why you let your ex ignore you for a whole month before acting on it yourself? I would have initiated that break up long before. *month later* S/O: Oh, btw, I'm breaking up with you. Me: You can't. S/O: What do you mean? Me: I broke up with you 2 weeks ago.

Believe me, I got that far myself. Don't assume everybody on the internet is an imbecile.

Thank goodness you dodged that bullet then! I typically don't like saying the usual "you're better off without him" but in this case it's 100% valid. You really are better without some immature brat like him.

What is wrong with some people? You are better off without him. Move on OP, maybe you'll come across someone better and much more worthy of your time..