By neveragain - 16/03/2012 05:11 - Canada

Today, I gave in and let my friend give me a makeover. She couldn't find my eyelash curler, but decided that if she used scissors lightly, it would work just the same. Needless to say, it did not work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 485
You deserved it 30 880

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time, just forego the eyelash curling and use some mascara.

That's really YOUR fault for letting her try that. You should've made her try it on her own eyelashes first.


Next time, just forego the eyelash curling and use some mascara.

Uhm, scissors out of all things? Pretty much equivalent to using a knife. You guys should have used a spoon. They work as great substitutes .

*googles* Hmm. I'm still going to stick with mascara on formal occasions. I've finally figured out how to do it without poking myself in the eye! *proud of this minor achievement* Yeah, I've got about three attributes/activites that one could classify as 'feminine', and one of those isn't done for 'feminine' reasons...

You use an eyelash curler with mascara not alone. You have no idea what your talking about, but thx for saying it twice!! Lol

I will freely admit that I have no idea what I am talking about. I will also freely admit that putting hot metal near my eye does not appeal under any circumstance.

Idonebeenhad 17

Why did you even let her use the scissors?

audiophileMom 11

Eyelash curlers DON'T have to be hot. That's optional. I never do it, and I wear mascara and curl everyday. I don't think I know anyone who heats up the curler. Maybe a little bit with a hair dryer. Anyway, my eyelashes always look perfect and I never burn myself.

What the hell were you thinking? She's stupid for the idea, but you almost stupider for letting her try it!

RedPillSucks 31

Wait. Women put heated metal near their eyes?!!! And OP let someone put a HEATED scissors near her eyes??? Why do women put up with this crap????

Haha. I was born with natural curls which also curled my eyelashes.

mannysaucedo 4

42- cool story bro. Tell it to me again. Oh please.

I think se assumed it be like curling a ribbon for Christmas presents. Still extremely dumb of you to let her try OP.

24 they have eyelash curlers that are not hot :) I only use it for special occasions when I want my eyelashes to have extra volume.

desireev 17

Forgive me, as I now feel oblivious. I didn't know that people actually heat up their eyelash curlers! I always just use mine... Uuuuh... Not heated? Lol I just apply one, light coat of mascara before I use my eyelash curler. And it works perfectly! No heat necessary! :)

You don't need to curl your eyelashes. You can use mascara, they will look the same if you know how to put it on properly. I am a girl and i am into make up i know these things.

^ some people have eyelashes that don't curl naturally. And while putting mascara will make them longer and thicker, it won't necessarily curl them. They might still be straight. So no, just because you're into makeup, does not mean you "know these things".

To be honest, I bet her friend did it on purpose. Maybe op has beautiful eyelashes? And her friend was jealous so she purposely acted that stupid? I mean seriously.... We all learn in kindergarten that scissors are for cutting. You'd be retarded to think they're for anything else. Js

stephy2lee 2

Um you can use an eyelash curler without mascara. Actually it's better to do it without mascara cuz then your eyelashes don't stick to the curler and get pulled out

^I actually curl my eyelashes before I apply mascara. It turns out really well.

I heat up my eyelash curler on special occasions; all it takes is blowing the blow dryer on it for about 3 seconds and your lashes get a better curl than they would if you didn't heat it up. You don't heat it to the point that it would burn you, but enough to make the metal warm.

Scissoring is never a good idea if you're a guy.

I've been trying my best for the past 5 minutes to figure out exactly how the hell this pertains to this FML. OP is presumably a woman, and scissoring can be a hell of a lot of fun even if you are a guy (when done correctly). I'm lost in Dumbassland. Please someone send help!

28- It's no use Doc, I've been lost on this island for 28 years... There isn't a way out!

monkeysareyummy 0

-Alpha Dog we have a chopper incoming for extraction. Stand by for exact location. Over. -Charlie Echo we will need heavy covering fire! Large mass of dumbass troops in the tree-line firing on our position! -Roger Alpha Dog. Comense fire! *airstrike obliterates dumbass troops* Alpha Dog extraction will be on Mount McStupid. Be there in 0100 minutes. -Roger.

desireev 17

Doc, I wish we could save you! But they've invaded our land and our means to get you. They're everywhere! Open a dictionary to repel them and save yourself some time! We will be there ASAP!

monkeysareyummy 0

66 did you not read my comment? I just saved him with tactical military force. No need to worry about him being saved any longer. Doc is in good hands.

mizzy1 0

That sucks but dnt worrie they'll grow back in a lil while :D

And you let her by your eyes, with scissors? Smart, OP. smart.

Lovely friend you got there they just cut off all your eyelashes instead of getting the proper tool -face palms-

A warm/hot spoon curls eyelashes!! Thays an old school trick women used when they cudnt afford a curler, didnt have one and had no extra time to get one, and when they hadnt yet been invented yet....

That's really YOUR fault for letting her try that. You should've made her try it on her own eyelashes first.

I feel like this was sabotage on your friends part. You should accidentally colour her hair green. :)

perdix 29

Be glad you're not a dude -- you'd probably let your idiot friends attempt a homemade circumcision.

I cringed from the mental image of a homemade circumcision.

RedPillSucks 31

Ah yes. The student circumcision kit. They called me "stumpy" at the academy.

Idonebeenhad 17

I cringe at every mental image perdix's comments cause...

Before I finished reading the FML, I added "scissors" and "eye" together, and thankfully my math was wrong.

So in OPs current situation, I take it she's missing a piece of her eyelid?

Can't say for sure, but I think a safer bet is to say she only lost her eyelashes, hopefully for only one eye.

So many trolls! Common sense says: BFF wants your boyfriend. She totally did that on purpose! How the hell do you use a scissor 'lightly?' you can't. It's a ******* SCISSOR!

Vball6 19

Exactly! How the hell do scissors substitute for a lash curler???

You are supposed to use a spoon if you don't have an eyelash curler! Do you not have google?

Actually, the mascara itself does curl the eyelashes enough. Well, most of them :)

c_tuck 0

Who is honestly stupid enough to Think that scissors will Work anyway? Sorry but... YDI for letting her do it. "let me curl ur lashes with scissors!" seriously???