By Anonymous - 12/08/2009 04:44 - United States

Today, I finally told my mom I am a lesbian. She started laughing and said 'Good one honey'. I told her I wasn't joking, and she took my face in her hands and said 'You ARE joking!' Then she left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 480
You deserved it 10 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

11, YES. After that comment, none others matter. OP, just use this as an excuse to take everything she tells you to do as a joke. Everything. Ask her forr cash, if she says no, take it and compliment her on her skills as a comedian.

I think you mistyped it so I fixed it. She took my face in her hands and said "These aren't the droids you're looking for"


fangsupKELS 0

Love is love. I personally like to think that my god is a forgiving, kind god. That my god would like to see us walk hand in hand in peace and love. That he doesn't care about gender. We are all equal in his eyes. If everyone was ment to procreate, wouldn't we have a bit of an overpopulation crisis?

travelbug89 0

66, thank you (seriously) for reminding everyone that not all (and in fact, in my experience, very few) religious people have this intense hatred for gay people. It's like Islam, terrorists give it a bad name. The few morons on here give religion a bad name.

WPQ14 15

Seriously, 66, this is all true. That's why in nature, some animals are born homosexual, to control the population. It's been proven to happen with apes, dolphins, dogs, giraffes, sharks, etc. Pretty much every animal species has the ability to be born homosexual. Why not us? *applaud* Also, I don't like actually putting a name to god. I don't think god is male or female, just there. Watching, not really interfering. That's why terrible things happen, but our world is probably like an experiment. Like those ant farms you could get as a kid.

Edenbeam 19

Thank you, number 66. At least some people here are intelligent. I'm not Christian, but I like to think that since in your opinion, your God created everything, wouldn't that mean he'd created homosexuals as well? Since that would apparently be the case, I don't understand why some people have such a problem with homosexuality.

mini_angels 0

#66 and 92 said it all. I'm sorry to hear about your mom, I'm bi and haven't come out yet. Congratz on being able to tell your mom though, I know how hard that must have been for you. Don't let ANYONE judge you on your sexuality, love is love and when you know you've found the right person then you'll never give up on them. Good luck with your mom in the future.

I am a Christian, and I agree with this 100%. Homosexual Penguins will even get "married" in a way. They mate for life and will get a rock to treat like an egg that they protect. One zoo gave a pair a real egg and they raised the baby like it was their own!

hotdayum15 0

Comments like yours make me extremely happy. I'm a Christian too and it bugs me when people bash others because of religion. Your comment gives me hope that I'm not making a mistake with my faith and shows me that not all Christians are close minded and shallow.

marycontrary 0

# 66, you are awesome. I'm a Christian and I believe that my God is one of love. 1 Corinthians 13 is a book of the Bible that discusses the qualities of love, not the qualities of love between a man and a woman.I really dislike the stereotype of all Christians hating people of a homosexual orientation. Love is blind. It doesn't see gender, it can only hear and feel the connection of a kindred soul.

false. if you believe the bible, then you're wrong. the bible clearly states that homosexuality is wrong.

GodBarack 5

I too am a Christian, and I hate how people MUST think that I hate science and sexuality and stuff. But really, one of my closest cousins is gay, and that hasn't stopped me from thinking any differently of him. And to be honest, science is one of my favourite subjects. You actually can compare a lot of things in the bible to science, and a few actually make sense.

Brooklynxman 0

Film yourself having sex and send it to her if she is going to be an ass like that.

She probably thinks all lesbians are über butchy

That's actually a good point. I didn't consider that.

well there you go, you're not lesbian after all. Moms are incredible

Seriously **** religion. Crazy lutherin people are the reason why. And **** you #26

monnanon 13

I do think 26 was genuinely just trying to be nice. Some people do find comfort in a religion so why not offer it. It is a bit of an odd thing to say on an FML like this but still I'm pretty sure no harm was meant. As for your sweeping statement towards all religions, most people who follow religion are nice people who do not feel the need to judge everyone and make everyone conform to their ethos. Its the minority that makes stupid ass comments.

TheCashMan88 0

Jesus ****, your mom shoud kill herself for such a comment. Let me guess, she thinks homosexuality is a sin but she would never kill somebody who worked on Sunday. ******* religious bigiot.

sheesh, well you'll be ok but youll have to try and get past that fact that she refuses to accept it.

OP, i'm sorry about that. i came out in may to my parents and they've been very accepting of it, but my gf's mom is much like yours. the other day she came home wearing a hat that made her look "too much like a dyke" and she got lectured about it. it sucks, but if you have support elsewhere (friends, other fam members) its a lot easier. :)

paris78_fml 0

i'm sorry to hear that OP. don't let your mom or any other ignorant assholes stand in your way. may God forgive you #26 for your sin of being an ignorant dumbass.