By Anonymous - 12/08/2009 04:44 - United States

Today, I finally told my mom I am a lesbian. She started laughing and said 'Good one honey'. I told her I wasn't joking, and she took my face in her hands and said 'You ARE joking!' Then she left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 480
You deserved it 10 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

11, YES. After that comment, none others matter. OP, just use this as an excuse to take everything she tells you to do as a joke. Everything. Ask her forr cash, if she says no, take it and compliment her on her skills as a comedian.

I think you mistyped it so I fixed it. She took my face in her hands and said "These aren't the droids you're looking for"


That is why many people are afraid of coming out of the closet. Friends, family etc. just can't accept it. Cruel world.

rustylertz 0

Of course it's Kansas. Hooray for Christianity destroying YET ANOTHER family. :P

who said it was a child. what if it was a grown daughter or son that also loved her father erotically. and this was an example of how unnatural it was so i don't get why you're talking like you're so frustrated... chill out. I'm pointing out the irregularity in homosexuality in opposition to the argument that it is natural. plus how hard is it to believe in a sacrifice in "killing himself" to save us. He's saving us from our own problem. Like if a son is in a burning building but doesn't leave. The father isn't going to just stand there and not go in there. He's going to risk his life to save his son because he loves him even if the son doesn't leave. He made virgin birth and walking on water possible because of his power. and i never called anyone a whack job.

Genetic mutations are natural. They happen all the time. If they didn't, we wouldn't be taller now than we were five hundred years ago. It's just a chance of combination... or it isn't. Oooweeoooo. Coincidences are sometimes TOO coincidental.... Plus, many animals have homosexual tendencies, and have had them for a long time. I believe someone made a wonderful point on some FML (this one? I don't know) that homosexuality can be a useful tool for scoring more mates, in some animal systems (working your way up through the males, getting buddy-buddy with the "alpha" and thus getting choice pick of the females). Many humans used to do it for similar reasons; to create a bond with their fellow man. There is also a culture... somewhere in Asia or Africa, I forget... where it is required of the males going through puberty to do anal and oral sex on older males. They believe the semen will help them become great men themselves, since in many cultures semen is THE symbol of masculinity (many cultures had their boys swallow semen). They aren't TOO far off; the testosterone in semen CAN be helpful... but I don't think quite in the way they're thinking, ahahaha. Also, dunno if someone already said that, but arguing about whether something is or isn't natural is actually kind of stupid, especially over the Internet. Just so you know, we, uh, made that, and it's run by machines, not plants.

There's a huge difference between two consenting, unrelated adults having a healthy relationship and a relationship between two close family members. The power dynamic in a family would lead to some really ******-up relationships, even if the son/daughter in question were an adult.

Ahhh.. Im sorry. D; im gay so i know how that goes.

#150 I honestly don't think this person is just a child being curious. And even if so, a parent shouldn't say no to their child wanting to try things out. That is what growing up is all about. A parent should be supportive no matter what, whether it be a childs sexuality, or as you so kindly compared it to, vegitarianism... Which I honestly don't think is a good comparison, since that is a life style choice and not how a person really is.

I'm sorry to hear about your mom i really am I'm lesbian too and 5 of my friends know and i do agree its easier when they meet your girlfriend i haven't told any of my family yet except my cousin which by the found out like #62 said its a good tactic my parents are the same way they would yell and scream and kick me out! I wish you all the luck in the world with this and i will pray for you that your family is more accepting! Everyone pray for me too please!! and all of you that are being rude shut the **** up it's nothing you will understand until your in the situation and yell at your self next time you do something you can't help!! so **** you and this god religion shit is a big waste of breath if god made the world and made people he wouldn't have made homosexuals! and all of you that say there is no god! and its all science if it's not natural then why does every species do it? answer that!! and all of you that are supportive thank you! it's people like you that make someones day a little brighter like mine :) And yes Methodist church will help you!

SaintJimmy, I hate faggots, but I don't blame it on god, I don't hate them because they're different I hate them because to me it's a big evolutionary step backwards to be homosexual. Have fun flaming me everyone, atleast I have a reason for my opinion, and not one based purely on ethics and morality.

Could you tell me why they're a big evolutionary step backwards? Is it because they don't produce offspring? Overpopulation is a serious problem problem you know!

drdj2006 3

hmm, interesting except that i have the exact opposite view point on the evolution front. The earth is vastly overpopulated with humans as it is and it would only benefit our race/species to cut down on the reproduction. There would be more food, water, resources, and housing. Personally i've always believed that homosexuality is (among other wonderful things) apart of mother nature's way of helping us out.

I say you bring your girlfriend over and make out and shit like that. I wonder if that "joke" will be as good as the other.

I REALLY wish that all you ignorant assholes would be reborn as homosexuals in your next life.

well... that might happen if it wasn't your own choice to be a queer