By Anonymous - 12/08/2009 04:44 - United States

Today, I finally told my mom I am a lesbian. She started laughing and said 'Good one honey'. I told her I wasn't joking, and she took my face in her hands and said 'You ARE joking!' Then she left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 480
You deserved it 10 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

11, YES. After that comment, none others matter. OP, just use this as an excuse to take everything she tells you to do as a joke. Everything. Ask her forr cash, if she says no, take it and compliment her on her skills as a comedian.

I think you mistyped it so I fixed it. She took my face in her hands and said "These aren't the droids you're looking for"


ANYONE who hides behind god or jesus christ... you can hide behind him all you want... but im pretty sure a shotgun can go through multiple people...

Oh well, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

Alie22 0

Awwww.... poor thing. idk why there are so many YDI! what did you do to deserve it?

thelizw 0

Going back to any of the people that said that you're born with a natural moral sense of telling right from wrong... If you look at it that way-that everyone is born with certain values-then wouldn't every society have similar views and morals? Some cultures are very excepting of homosexuality, others, not so much. Basically, my point is that it's society that shapes your morals, you're not born with them. That's why when you go to a different section of the world, things are a lot different than home. Culture varies with the people that make up that certain society. (Keep in mind not to take what I've said as a way to lump an entire culture together, because as you can clearly see from the other comments on here, everyone within each society has their own different set of opinions.)

n030992 0

well kiss a chick in front of her and then tell her that u are a f**king lesbian hahaha

I am indeed a Christian. But I don't see anything wrong or creepy or "sinful" about homosexuality. I'm sorry dear. :( I really hope that your mom can learn to accept you for who you are. And as for all these douchebags who say you deserved it, I hope their children turn out gay. :)

wow....that sucks, i did laugh a bit, only because i can relate. your a brave girl, i wasn't that lucky. my mother found emails back and fourth to an old girlfriend when i was 15...sadly all she could do was question, and all i could do was deny. Later that week she found my girlfriend and i having sex..she freaked out! only to push my girlfriend at the time, out of her home. I am now 23 and my mother has just now built the nerve... i have just received my first birthday phone call from my mother a week ago after 8 years ..some parents are able to give in, some are not so lucky....FML, fyl, FOL. good luck! lol

It sucks that your mom has to be like that! I'm a lesbian too. Though my mum was raised to believe that love is love no matter what sex you find it in! I just wish that every child that will grow up being gay can have wonderful accepting parents cause thats what they need when every other f*cked up person decides to gay bash them. We all just gotta stick together.