By Anonymous - 12/08/2009 04:44 - United States

Today, I finally told my mom I am a lesbian. She started laughing and said 'Good one honey'. I told her I wasn't joking, and she took my face in her hands and said 'You ARE joking!' Then she left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 480
You deserved it 10 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

11, YES. After that comment, none others matter. OP, just use this as an excuse to take everything she tells you to do as a joke. Everything. Ask her forr cash, if she says no, take it and compliment her on her skills as a comedian.

I think you mistyped it so I fixed it. She took my face in her hands and said "These aren't the droids you're looking for"


Saying your a gay christian or a bisexual christian just completely defeats the purpose. It's almost like an oxymoron. If your a christian than you believe it is a sin. I'm not saying that all christians live exactly the way the bible says because we're all humans. But if you are a true christian than you should know that there are certain beliefs you must have and a certain lifestyle you cannot have. And if you do live that way you are not a true christian. Things like greed, lust, and yes I'm sorry homosexuality were listed as things that can keep you out of heaven. It's more than just saying hey believe in God so I'm going to go to heaven. It's believing in his word and living your life to lift him higher or the best you can according to his word. You can't interpret the bible to fit your lifestyle or the way to want to live. Because what wanting is also a sin it's just like lusting for something. Saying your a gay christian is completely irrelavant. Theres no twisting the bible or dropping scriptures just because you want to live that way. And for the gay marriage thing, I have nothing against you'll wanting make it official I just think you shouldn't call it marriage. Because marriage really is a biblical thing, actually it's meant between two christians because it is a union before God. But many people have forgotten the purpose of it. I think just to make the church happy and gays happy your union should be called something different because it pisses too many people off and because it's a union made before God.

Jazzywrites007 2

*cracks knuckles* Firstly, GLBT Christians are not saying that they are the bible-thumping, hardcore, rude Christians of whom you speak. *WE* are saying that despite our sexual orientation, we still have what we feel in our hearts to be a strong, personal, and private relationship with God and the Lord Jesus Christ. It Is OUR Faith not your Opinion. Secondly! The institution is not strictly biblical because Atheists are married as are MANY Other religions that Don't give a Shit about our Christian God. Ignorant ***** have taken words, ideas, notions, and phrases and MADE THEM BELONG to one Group of people when in reality universal love and faith is the way to go. And Lastly? STOP trying to teach us that what we are is wrong. When I pray, I KNOW that God hears me and helps me; and after I'm done worshiping Him, and Praying to Him, and Giving him the glory, I GO HOME TO MY BEAUTIFUL PARTNER. Thank You!

yeah but if you really are a Christian you would want and try to stop doing the things that are displeasing to God. ie:homosexuality

Jazzywrites007 2

Christians live lives as closely as they can to that lived by Christ, You Dig? However, we *ALL* have certain traits that have been with us from birth, which are also often seen as being against Christ. God sees our heart and a heart that is full of love and dedicated to him (serving him and his message) far outshines eating shellfish; being gay; or experiencing rage, envy, lusty, sloth, gluttony, vanity or pride. These are definitely things that we'll have to face at the time of judgment, but they are little more than small deposits and withdrawals in the bank account that is our relationship with Christ. Everyone says that once you're gay, God has turned away so don't talk to him. But If that is the case than those who have premarital sex shouldn't talk to God. Those who have Road Rage shouldn't talk to God. Those who eat until they have to unbutton their pants shouldn't talk to God. Those who Who Jack their dicks off or twiddle their twats in the night shouldn't talk to God. Are you sensing a pattern here?

The bible never says that if your gay, God turns your back on you forever. The thing is, if you don't turn from your sin, homosexuality, even if you think that you are giving God all the glory but continue in all your sin, it's useless. The fact is, your continuing and your satisfaction in your homosexual desires shows your unrepentance. Because if you had true repentance, you would turn from your sin. Luke 9:23 Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. Denying yourself consists of desiring to get rid of all your sins. Get your facts straight

Jazzywrites007 2

I know the bible back and forth, but it also states that God is light and forgiveness and that he is understanding. You don't know shit about God's Mind or God's Heart because NO MAN does. You're projecting your interpretation of the religion into God and using it to talk down to me. Quite Frankly, you're beginning to piss me off. Trying to pose as the Good and understanding Christian when in reality you're just a dirty ****.

You're right, I'm in no position to judge your salvation. But the problem where you're in is that you're still OK with your sin. You're completely fine with your homosexual sin. Are you saying that it's ok to be unrepentant and still be a Christian? and I'm sure that God is completely happy with your words too. it says it in the Bible, you know it back and forth, I don't need to tell you anything. If you don't feel the need to change, then there's something wrong. It doesn't matter if you're Christian or not, you should try to be changing yourself. You shouldn't be chill with your sin and just say "God'll forgive me." But you already know that. Sorry to offend you

waterynuggets 0

"It doesn't matter if you're Christian or not, you should try to be changing yourself. You shouldn't be chill with your sin and just say "God'll forgive me." But you already know that. Sorry to offend you" If someone isn't a Christian, they probably don't believe in sin since that's a....Christian dumb bitch.

I was saying whether or not I thought the person i was replying to seemed like a Christian or not to me.

Jazzywrites007 2

WHO GIVES A MICKEY MOUSE **** WHAT YOU THINK?!?!?!?!?! YOUR opinion of whether or not I'm a Christian Matters NOT to me, Kiddo. Now, PLEASE, go do something else. Your conversation is Disturbingly boring.

misterasdfjkl 0

Just to inform you guys: I'm not Christian. I'm not trying to be offensive, and I don't care what people believe in. But. Is the fact that somebody is a lesbian that much of a thing to rant about sins and the bible and religion and whatever? I honestly think that Christianity (in things about homosexuality) is somehow reducing the goodness in human relations. I mean, isn't homosexuality basically a "deep" friendship? It's just whether you prefer a gender or the other, and that you give great love to your gender, and just being a minority. It's like whether you like dogs or cats, milk or soy milk, water or sparkling water, coke or pepsi, orange or apple, or any other choice in the world. Liking one thing may or may not be a key to heaven, but the other is of no difference. Also, homosexuality does not only come from a person's lifestyle and natural sexual preference, but it also comes from mental illnesses that people are born with. Would you call those people sinners too? If so, that would be a very cruel thing, and would be a sign of hatred to all disabled people. I say respect people as who they are, and leave them with it. People deserve to love, no matter who or what it is directed to. Forbidding homosexuality is breaking apart many bonds that have given happiness to the homosexuals and those surrounding them.

# 201 You know you just called everyone who is gay, retarded right.

nerwende_fml 0

Yeah, I'm not following, "mental illness"? wtf?

misterasdfjkl 0

Actually, no. There's many ways a person can be gay/lesbian, and in most cases it's because of a person's liking and/or the environment that they lived in. I'm just saying that homosexuality can ALSO be caused by a mental illness (Gender Identity Disorder), which is a thing that people are born with, and that calling those who are homosexual by a disorder sinners is a bad thing.

waterynuggets 0

ROFLMAO WTF??? Misterasdfjkl, sweetpea it's time to stop posting and take yer meds and head to bed now.

Get your facts straight "sweetpea", misterasdfjkl is completely right.

bexox 0

Right, because no one ever matures and changes. Everyone is the exact same as when they were 7 years old. I'm sorry you are.

um why do gay people expect their parents will accept them being homosexual? especially children of Christian homes? first off, its your choice to be that wayy. second a sin. third gross. fourth, no biological grandchildren for them. so ydi.

It's never someones choice to be gay, you dont just wake up one day say i feel like being gay today! You are stupid and ignorant!

you ******* bitch u little mother ****** what the **** do u think is wrong with us gay people. well i'll tell u. nothing is wrong. so **** your straight ass.

FYL for having an unaccepting mother, but it's good that you have accepted yourself as you are. Good luck.

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then He is not omnipotent. Is He able, but not willing? Then He is malevolent. Is He both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is He neither able nor willing? Then why call Him God? -Epicurus

I'm really sorry. It took a lot of courage to tell her in the first place, if she can't accept you as you are than she's an idiot. I hope she comes to realize how big of an idiot she's being.

nerwende_fml 0

Stop hiding behind your "God" people! The way I see it, if there actually is a God he's not worth your prayers or your time.

your puts the D to the O to the U to the C to the H to the E to the B to the A to the G!