By Anonymous - 16/04/2009 01:22 - United States

Today, I decided to snack on some MandM's. I saw my dog sniffing something and realized one of my MandM's had fallen on the floor. To prevent my dog from eating the chocolate, I hurriedly snatched the MandM off the ground and ate it. When I bit down, I realized it wasn't an MandM. It was a dead beetle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 900
You deserved it 60 074

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MKC_fml 0

snatching it off the floor so your dog doesn't eat it....good. Popping it in your mouth before looking at it....not so good.

And the worst part? A dog wouldn't get sick from a single M&M.


f_mylife24 0
jkilla6 0

no one m&m will not kill a dog. it just won't happen.

You're quite a clever guy, aren't you?...

That sucks. Extra protein, though...

A tiny M&M doesn't kill a dog :/ And it's pretty weird to eat food of the ground, especially without looking at it and especially when you have a dog in the house.

amphibolite 0

dogs have a bad reaction to chocolate, but it takes A LOT of chocolate to get a dog sick, let alone to kill one. i had a dog eat an entire bag of chocolate chips once, and another stand on my kitchen table licking clean an entire fresh pan of brownies. nothing happened to either.

same here I came home once to find that my 4 pound dog ate a half a box of chocolate once and he was fine it didn't even make him sick.

zeGeaman 0

did ur mom forget to teach u not to eat shit off the grounf?