By Anonymous - 16/04/2009 00:13 - United States

Today, I had dinner with the girl I thought I would end up marrying. Everything was going well and after I had paid the bill, she said she was a lesbian. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, she challenged me to see who could hook up with a straight girl first. I lost. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 663
You deserved it 7 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alien_bow 0

Shouldn't assume you're going to get married like that, since your tone seems to indicate this was your first date. However, it's really wrong of the girl to just play you like that, and then adding insult to injury...FYL.

#1, what, like there's some infallible way to distinguish homosexual folks from everyone else? :P


dspadres 0

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alien_bow 0

Shouldn't assume you're going to get married like that, since your tone seems to indicate this was your first date. However, it's really wrong of the girl to just play you like that, and then adding insult to injury...FYL.

Who said the girl played him? He shouldn't have assumed she was straight

She shouldn't have agreed to a date with him without full disclosure. Telling a guy that asks you on a date that you're gay Before you agree is common decency.

blacklagoon_fml 0

#1, what, like there's some infallible way to distinguish homosexual folks from everyone else? :P

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to be honest don't you think you rushed to the conclusion that "you were gonna marry this girl"?

The thing with "I thought I would end up marrying" was probably only there for dramatic effect. I hope..

That bitch used you. Do something to get even!

xXxIracebethxXx 14

Yeah! Hook up with a straight girl! That'll teach her!

jonesey 0

This is a friend for life. Think of the adventures to be had. She'll take care of your drunk ass... unless a bi-curious woman walks in. Then you're on your own.

jkilla6 0

uh... the girl she hooked up with is obviously not straight. anything bi-curious and up is not straight