By Anonymous - 16/04/2009 01:22 - United States

Today, I decided to snack on some MandM's. I saw my dog sniffing something and realized one of my MandM's had fallen on the floor. To prevent my dog from eating the chocolate, I hurriedly snatched the MandM off the ground and ate it. When I bit down, I realized it wasn't an MandM. It was a dead beetle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 900
You deserved it 60 082

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MKC_fml 0

snatching it off the floor so your dog doesn't eat it....good. Popping it in your mouth before looking at it....not so good.

And the worst part? A dog wouldn't get sick from a single M&M.


yes! first comment! hahaha thats funny as hell!

MKC_fml 0

snatching it off the floor so your dog doesn't eat it....good. Popping it in your mouth before looking at it....not so good.

equally YDI and FYL. This might be the tightest one in terms of voting yet, haha.

ydi for taking a dogs tiny treat away it sounds quite greedy

SystemofaBlink41 27

165- you do know chocolate's poisounous, right?

You do know that only dark chocolate is poisonous right? And only if consumed in a great amount, my dogs have gotten into plenty of chocolates in their life time and are still alive, even dark chocolate.

cryssycakesx3 22

176 just because it hasn't killed them yet doesn't meant it won't. you don't give chocolate to a dog.

dang_fml 0

lmao thats so gross! i agree with #2

AK 2

#2 stole the words out of my mouth. You're a complete idiot.

Were you the one that dropped a pill on the floor, picked it up and took the pill. Then found out the next day that the pill you were suppose to take was still on the floor? You took something else? People don't look at what they eat anymore?