By happyharriet - 16/04/2009 02:32 - United States

Today, I was having a panic attack so I called my parents. My brother answered to say my parents couldn't come to the phone because they were watching 24. Its ten o'clock and 24 is not on now. They were watching 24 on TiVo and couldn't pause it to come to the phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 757
You deserved it 5 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sammyg 0

i think Jack needs their support more then you, he is constantly in danger of death.

don't mess with anyone when its bauer hour


how could you possibly expect anyone to break while watching 24? Jack Bour needs them more than you do

bauer. not bour. bauer. a true fan would know that

haha what a shitty brother and parents hahaha

At least the brother bothered to answer

jdb2009 0

Yeah, that was funny actually. I wonder what your panic attack was about that'd warrant a call back to the homestead.

Wow! A lot of Tivo or favorite tv show fml. I just commented on a fml where a sister rather watch jeopardy than to listen to her sister bitch just this morning. Try calling 911. Maybe they'll care.

sammyg 0

i think Jack needs their support more then you, he is constantly in danger of death.

don't mess with anyone when its bauer hour

HAHA My mom does that when Lost is on. Its okay.

#5 doubtful they will probably yell at them for calling with out an emergency