By Anonymous - 16/04/2009 01:22 - United States

Today, I decided to snack on some MandM's. I saw my dog sniffing something and realized one of my MandM's had fallen on the floor. To prevent my dog from eating the chocolate, I hurriedly snatched the MandM off the ground and ate it. When I bit down, I realized it wasn't an MandM. It was a dead beetle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 900
You deserved it 60 074

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MKC_fml 0

snatching it off the floor so your dog doesn't eat it....good. Popping it in your mouth before looking at it....not so good.

And the worst part? A dog wouldn't get sick from a single M&M.


draegs 0

dude. You're a dumbass. your dog could eat the whole bag of M&M's let alone ONE M&M. it's not going to get sick from ONE M&M. so maybe you should have just let your dog eat the M&M then god forbid you wouldn't have had to touch the beetle.

71, all this is very true, but I usually don't eat things off the floor that have been there for an unknown amount of time...or without making sure I know WTH it is first! Basically, if I drop it, I will eat it. If I walk into a room and it's there, there's a good chance my cat has already rubbed her ass all over it or something.

GabriLee 0

73, I never said that the OP was being smart about not looking to see what they were eating, or not an idiot for not realizing that an M&M feels a lot different than a beatle. I was just telling all the people to stop jumping down OP's throat for eating something off the ground in their own home. I think the OP was dumb to have eaten a beatle, but not worthy of 70 comments yelling at them for eating off the floor. There have been FMLs about someone eating a jolly rancher out of a girl's ******. How do we live in a world where ****** ranchers are more acceptable than eating an M&M off the floor?

cbeaith 0

wow you tried really hard to make yourself sound like you aren't fat, but you probably are. fyl.

My little sister did that when she was 3.

ohhhhshizzz 0

You know your dog has a hell of a lot more sense than you do.

yeah well the opposite happened to me and i was delighted to finally eat a chocolatey treat and not another beatle


Ewww.. I'd rip my own throat out if that happened to me. FYL.

Roxas_fml 0

@#20: There's something in chocolates that is fine for humans but for animals, will either get them really really sick or kill them.

Miss_Tyff 0

Good that you grabbed something you thought was chocolate so your dog wouldn't eat it. Veryyyy stupid that you ate something off the ground in the first place and that you didn't LOOK at it before popping it into your mouth. Gross.