By Anonymous - 16/04/2009 01:22 - United States

Today, I decided to snack on some MandM's. I saw my dog sniffing something and realized one of my MandM's had fallen on the floor. To prevent my dog from eating the chocolate, I hurriedly snatched the MandM off the ground and ate it. When I bit down, I realized it wasn't an MandM. It was a dead beetle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 900
You deserved it 60 074

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MKC_fml 0

snatching it off the floor so your dog doesn't eat it....good. Popping it in your mouth before looking at it....not so good.

And the worst part? A dog wouldn't get sick from a single M&M.


sashaingreyscale 0

cmon YDI people, ease up. the poster was just trying to protect their dog. Sheesh.

iryna 0

#93, well he/she could have throw it in the garbage, not in their mouth after it was on the floor already.

eeee93757 0

You're an idiot for not observing what you were eating, but it's nice to see you care about your dog that much. This started to remind me of an FML where someone sent their dog after a black widow spider and then came crying here that the spider killed her dog.

Amphysvena 11

Good job, dingus. FYL #93, Perhaps if they took a whole 3 seconds to look, they would haven't eaten the beetle. And FYL too, #93. Just because.

christie_fml 0

omigod thats horrible... i would literally be scarred for life if that happened to me...

LOL you walk a fine line between FYL and YDI, but most of all, FAIL! EDIT: Yeahhhhh, 100th!

Why do you eat off the floor anyway? Groooss!

wow you guys are assholes lol just cause he didn't want his dog to eat something it shouldn't you're calling him on that? god lighten up. OMG U R SO STOOPED TRIN 2 KEP UR DOG HELTHI.