By jadakorn - 11/07/2009 13:48 - United States
Top comments
Haha, you got owned
It means You Deserve It
Epic fail
super epic fail
better question, how tall is your bed, and why don't you have a screen?
Use your bed as a trampoline , bounce out the window , and get your phone back . Your must have a pretty high/bouncy bed & a low/close window , sounds very unrealistic unless you whip your phone down .
I have a window right next to my bed, that is completely level with the bed, it doesnt have to be that bouncy.
you got home and your window was already open?
In my case, I'm a few floors up in an apartment, and ALWAYS leave my windows wide open, with the exception of bad weather of course. Just not open as much in the winter. ;)
Uh, yeah but what about screens? Don't you have those? Problem solved.
Well, you know what they say. If you love something, let it go...
This is a pretty good reply.
If it comes back to you, you own it. And if it doesn't come back, you don't own it.
I believe the saying is "if you love something let it go, and if it comes back to you, it was meant to be". Obviously not the case for OP.
I can't imagine explaining that to someone XD.
Use your bed as a trampoline , bounce out the window , and get your phone back . Your must have a pretty high/bouncy bed & a low/close window , sounds very unrealistic unless you whip your phone down .
Well, you know what they say. If you love something, let it go...