By Powerfool - 07/04/2009 10:07 - United States

Today, I saw the blueprints for my family's new house. My room is half the size of the room next to it. The room next to it is my step mom's walk-in closet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 186 221
You deserved it 10 730

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trix_Disorder 20

How sad. I think you need to have a sit-down conversation with your father. Hope you're going off to college soon.

That is so hoed out Maybe your parents were joking when they told you which room is yours? And GODDAMN your step mom must have a lot of clothes/shoes/accessories


Trix_Disorder 20

How sad. I think you need to have a sit-down conversation with your father. Hope you're going off to college soon.

seriously, dont let that shallow bitch run your life.

loveanthony645 5


That is so hoed out Maybe your parents were joking when they told you which room is yours? And GODDAMN your step mom must have a lot of clothes/shoes/accessories

Nah. Her stepmom just needs an oversized place for all of that hot air in her head.

If you're close to moving out, don't sweat it.

McCannCanTriple 0

brace for her to say 6 feet wide and 9 feet long.

eh, you'll be going to college soon anyway. still sucks tho

OwnageTheCat 2

How exactly would you know this?

Lol That's women for you =P they like their clothes but I think you should seriously talk to your dad about that because that sucks =P

Oh no....that's not fair at all :( I just hope she' not planning to fill it up with stuff she buys with your dad's money. It's like one of those movies... xP