By kaitlynn - 01/02/2010 20:56 - France

Today, at four in the morning, I was asleep with my boyfriend beside me. I started yelling at him in my sleep and broke up with him. When I woke up, he was gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 869
You deserved it 10 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MermaidSongXOXO 6

If you did that in your sleep, how would you know what happened?

I picture this: *Wakes up* Oh god, I just had the most terrible, VIVID dream where I was breaking up wi- Tom? Toooooom? Hello? *Searches house* He's gone. >_> And basically she figures it out from there. I usually know when I've talked in my sleep.


there was not really much you could do about that so ya fyl

You're yelling at him in your dream? That's funny!

killerviral 0

wow did u try to get back wig hm

You were having a premonition, you saw you were going to break up with him and you did. :-P

Why would you know what time it was when you broke up with your boyfriend, or that you even broke up with your boyfriend if you were sleeping..? Of course he's not going to be there when you wake up, you broke up with him! You want to make things better? Talk to him. After all, you did break up with him.

this is definitely a fake. there is no way that you would know that you started yelling at him at four ind da mornin and he must be a rly lite sleeper cuz I no nothin could wake me up thy early