By kaitlynn - 01/02/2010 20:56 - France

Today, at four in the morning, I was asleep with my boyfriend beside me. I started yelling at him in my sleep and broke up with him. When I woke up, he was gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 869
You deserved it 10 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MermaidSongXOXO 6

If you did that in your sleep, how would you know what happened?

I picture this: *Wakes up* Oh god, I just had the most terrible, VIVID dream where I was breaking up wi- Tom? Toooooom? Hello? *Searches house* He's gone. >_> And basically she figures it out from there. I usually know when I've talked in my sleep.


omg that sucks D: but it's pretty dang hilarious ^^

trackrunner00008 0

tell him you had a dream he cheated on you.

I accidentally bit my boyfriend, while we were sleeping, to the point that he was bleeding. he was quite mad. I didn't know I did it until he started yelling.

nadsm 0

hahahahahaa. i'm sorry. hopefully he understood? hahahahaha.

lovalovalova 0

ohman. thatsucks!!! ): i hope everything geta betttterrr!!!

This is fake, how would you know you were yelling at your boyfriend in your sleep unless you ere actually awake and wanted to break up? XD I call fake on this

h_langston12 0

because she probably called him and he probably told her what happened. seriously, it's not that hard to figure out. and they're probably completely fine now.