By ohfantastic - 25/01/2009 02:47 - United States

Today, I was sleeping with my boyfriend and woke up in his arms to hear him say "Mom, Mom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 685
You deserved it 2 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Barbarossa_fml 0

Uhhh... couldn't he have just been dreaming...? O_o (As in it wasn't anything sexual...)


Barbarossa_fml 0

Uhhh... couldn't he have just been dreaming...? O_o (As in it wasn't anything sexual...)

wanderingidiot 0

ummmm.......maybe his mom is really hot?

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xsydbabyx 0

it's probably is what #1 said. he's probably just having a dream and meant mom in a non-sexual way.

Lol, he probably had a bet to prove he could get a could in bed with him.

O.o how old is he imagining u got drunk and slept with a 10 year old boy is a real fml xD