By pugs - 29/01/2010 08:43 - France

Today, the girl I've been dating asked me to describe her body. I said "Thin an toned but curvy in all the right places." I then asked her the same question to which she replied, "I don't know, you know I'm always drunk when we're together." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 464
You deserved it 4 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pidri 0

doesn't sound like ur dating her sounds like she's using you for ass.


just be happy your gettin some? but if it bothers u leave

Soybean254 0

does it matter what YOUR body looks like? if you get lucky and she's drunk it's a plus!

Why is this an FML? You're probably getting more/better action from her since she's always drunk. Sober girls aren't as fun and willing!

pidri 0

doesn't sound like ur dating her sounds like she's using you for ass.

youthink_fml 0

You're both assholes for trying to pry a compliment from someone. And you both deserve anything and everything BUT a compliment. Losers.

taylor2083 0

seriously???? some of y'all are just sick

BadPinkKitty07 0

both the OP and the girl were fishing for compliments about their bodies. now OP is fishing for sympathy, which is quite stupid of him, because everyone should know by now that FML is a far cry from being a shoulder to cry on. ranting is over. that's one very classy lady ya got there, OP.