By lilithfaye - 02/11/2012 16:35 - United States

Today, my newly ex-fiancé, the father of my 5-year-old child, moved out of state with no warning. I just spent my last $500 paying off his car, and the rent is due tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 676
You deserved it 6 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jerk. No one should leave their child and former love high and dry like that.

MikeMikeTheAzn 3

What a ******* douchebag! You have a kid and he just left like that!? I really don't ******* get people like this and I swear if I knew him I would enjoy slowly disecting his testicles. I'm really sorry but at least you realized it and let him go. I really wish the best for you and your kid.


Jerk. No one should leave their child and former love high and dry like that.

winnerme123 8

Some people just shouldn't have children.

flutter4 7

I have a 5 year old and nothing could make me move away from him

I'm with 22, a lot of couples (married and not) that I know try to split up bills, especially if there is differing pay days. Maybe this month she was on car duty and he was on rent duty. But instead he decided to get his car paid off and bail.

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Shafreeka 8

The way I understood it, was that they were still together until he up, and left them. I don't think she knew at the time.

I think she had no clue what was going to happen and since he now did that she is now calling him her ex.

#4 and #6 - Even so, why spend money on a car when the rent is due? Sorry, but housing is more important than transport, especially when you have a kid.

landcfan 6

Maybe he was expecting a paycheck at the end of the month, but they had to pay off the car slightly before that? OP, please clarify! Best of luck to you, by the way. And time to sue for child support!

Some people just do things without thinking ahead. Sure, the home would have been a wiser choice but that's not what she chose.

Maybe she was going to pay for the car and the ex was going to get a paycheck the next day and pay for the rent?

crazytwinsmom 25

Sounds like he was using her lately and counting the months til the car was paid for, 5 year loan?

12 - I'm happy to see someone thinks like me :) Sure, poor OP but it's not like the guy stole the money. She's supposed to be a responsible adult for her child. OP shouldn't take such risks as lending money right before rent is due and should save some money in case of emergencies. So, in fact, poor kid...

We can play the maybe game all we want fact is OP's ex is a douche bag

MikeMikeTheAzn 3

What a ******* douchebag! You have a kid and he just left like that!? I really don't ******* get people like this and I swear if I knew him I would enjoy slowly disecting his testicles. I'm really sorry but at least you realized it and let him go. I really wish the best for you and your kid.

I'm with 3. I can't even fathom a parent leaving their child and fiancee with zero explanation. That kid is most likely going to have some serious daddy and men issues.

That comment, my friend, works as a sufficient reply to any FML, no matter how irrelevant, simply because of your profile picture.

OP, you shouldn't have paid his car. He's the father of your child... The least he can do is pay for his own car!

Nothing wrong with paying his car bills. Families often split bills. I know my dad pays for both his and my moms car payments and my mom pays for both of their cell bills. The ex boyfriend is just a jerk and OP found herself in a bad situation.

Yeah, you're right. I guess it depends on the situation.

yeah, I was going to say, my husband and I split bills based on who gets paid when :)

Wow. I hope you find a way to make rent. This is why I don't want to get married or have kids, people are assholes.

Unless he goes to a loan place but those are the devil's bane(ran out of editing time).

flutter4 7

#10 not everyone is an asshole

I guess we should all go around driving drunk too, because not every drunk driver gets in an accident or gets pulled over, some make it there safely. If something has a high enough probability of majorly ******* up your life, it's best to avoid it.

CharresBarkrey 15

69 - You're choosing to not get married or have kids because it might possibly mess up your life or end badly? That's pretty stupid. And having a family is not even comparable to driving drunk because "not every drunk driver gets in an accident."

Nope, it's the same thing. I don't want to **** up my life, so I'm avoiding marriage and kids. Women manage to **** up my life enough without these things.

That was cruel of him. I wish you and your child the best. You will make it through OP.

FlyMeAway 2

I wish you luck! No one should leave their partner with no way to make ends meet like that. Tell the landlord you can't make it because of your ex fiancé, I'm sure s/he'll understand.

Maybe not though. When I had a landlord I needed to pay with a check that I post-dated for the last day rent was payable (because I couldn't get in that day and my paycheck wasn't in early enough to pay in advance). I had been living there for a while and the landlord still charged me a "late fee" because "cashing a cheque takes more time and won't get done on the day rent is due". I felt it was totally unfair and moved out shortly after that. (Swallowed my pride and moved back in with my parents -maybe that's something OP should consider doing?)

landcfan 6

Wait, was he already your ex, or is he your ex now that he left? Were you renting the place together? Hopefully the landlord isn't totally cold-hearted, and will work something out with you.