The blame game

By Anonymous - 17/01/2024 07:00 - Australia

Today, it's been two days since firefighters broke into my friend's home to get her out. She has health issues rendering her disabled and immobile. She was living amongst her own feces and urine, mould, rats eating her feet, etc. She told me about the filth three days ago, and now blames me for everything since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 648
You deserved it 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wtf?? Not sure if you actually did call them or not but I'd say her friendship is worth her life that sounds horrible

Does she know she is supposed to be your friend?


Wtf?? Not sure if you actually did call them or not but I'd say her friendship is worth her life that sounds horrible

Does she know she is supposed to be your friend?

Reading this FML made me very sad, I hope your friend will get the help she needs. Considering her situation she probably don't have many friends. Don't look at it as blame, but as a cry for help (can you blame her?). Help your friend to get her life back in order, to get the help she needs. She will forever thanks you, not to mention it's probably the right thing to do.

Nico97 3

get her help and when she recovers educate her about how respect goes two ways. she can check her attitude or you can check out of her life.

That is disgusting... and if she's that incapable of taking care of herself, why is she living alone? She needs to look into a caretaker.