
By notsogood - 08/11/2013 20:02 - United States

Today, during sex, my girlfriend got so bored that she asked me to tell her a story. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 535
You deserved it 19 396

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ohhh that sucks :/ maybe its time to spice up the sex life, get some toys and outfits ...... just an idea

If you use your mouth during sex i can guarantee you she won't be bored.


Your sex life sounds pretty boring. Try new positions. New techniques.

I think she wanted you to write a short story Jonah Hill style

Not to be a dick but ydi, as a man you need to take the time to learn what makes her feel good. Obviously she'll be bored if it doesn't feel good so learn her pleasure points, problem solved. Good luck

BrodieMike 4

If she got bored, then you're not doing it right.

Maybe she wanted a dirty story to set the mood?

Tell her The Neverending Story and see how she likes it (were you born in the early 90s? Maybe you don't know that one) because that's a pretty bitch move.

Sounds like you have some size issues to make up for.... Just be confident and get a toy to help spice it up. Otherwise you need another girlfriend with a smaller hole yeah?

Are you sure she wasn't just asking for a dirty story?