Ungrateful, dude!

By Anonymous - 24/05/2024 17:00 - United States

Today, my mom decided to surprise me by bringing homemade dinner over. I've been living off of ham sandwiches for over a week because I've been too busy and tired from work to cook. Of all the things she could have made, what did she make? Ham sandwiches. Thanks, mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 362
You deserved it 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow! your mom was thinking about you, that rocks. Try to be grateful for her thoughtfulness. She won't be able to do that forever and every day is a gift. yes you would have suggested anything else if it wasn't a surprise. but for now, consider what it meant for her as well.

Well, it's a free meal and you didn't have to prepare it. So there's that.


If ever there was a post that warranted both FYL (I get it; everyone needs a little variety) and YDI (try jazzing it up; grill it or something,) this is it.

Well, it's a free meal and you didn't have to prepare it. So there's that.

wow! your mom was thinking about you, that rocks. Try to be grateful for her thoughtfulness. She won't be able to do that forever and every day is a gift. yes you would have suggested anything else if it wasn't a surprise. but for now, consider what it meant for her as well.

Don't be an ungrateful brat. Your mom took time out of her day to make sure you were taken care of. When was the last time you did the same for her?

Wadlaen 23

This may come from cultural differences, but what I'm more surprised by in this post is that someone's having ham sandwiches for dinner...

I went on a conference trip related to my work field when I was in college, and the only way it was affordable was for a dozen of us to share two hotel rooms, eat breakfast out of vending machines, and all get together in the evening to order a highly-discounted bulk pizza deal for supper. Pizza five days in a row. On the way back from the trip, some of us stopped by one guy's family home. His mother was a terrific cook and she had made something special for us, she beamed! It was her famous... homemade... pizza. Of course it was much better than what we'd been eating, but I can sympathize with OP totally. It's not that they're ungrateful, just... I get it.