By ThePopeMan - 17/03/2009 17:42 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend when she started moaning and breathing heavily. I thought she was getting hot and was about to cum. Unfortunetly, she soon said, "I'm bored, let's play a board game." She was sighing, not moaning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 150
You deserved it 23 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dg72592_fml 0

"lets play a board game"...? time for a new girlfriend.

try eating her out or fingering her before sex next time..? most girls can't get off just by vaginal stimulation alone. that was still pretty bitchy of her...


dg72592_fml 0

"lets play a board game"...? time for a new girlfriend.

ryguy997 0

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Actually, women can ejaculate. So therefore, females can indeed cum.

iiNfAMoUs_KiiD 3

LMAO so basically you kinda sucks in bed....... Time to read the kamasutra

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What game? If it was Scrabble or Trouble, then she isn't such a bad girlfriend.

what kind of girl dislikes sex THAT MUCH? and she sounds pretty shitty in bed, if the only change in her is her sighing, which can be mistaken by a moan. does she just lie there silent? get a new gf

you suck lets go play monopoly also 4, you're a moron

teardrop_fml 0

wow... she didn't even care enough to fake it :S ouch...

try eating her out or fingering her before sex next time..? most girls can't get off just by vaginal stimulation alone. that was still pretty bitchy of her...