Silver linings

By Anonymous - 16/12/2009 19:28 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of over a year told me that he will never marry me because we are different ethnicities and his parents don't approve. I was of course very upset and crying. His way to comfort me was by saying, "Don't worry, I will always cheat on my wife with you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 199
You deserved it 3 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blackturquoise08 0

GET OUT, CHEAT ON HIS WIFE? POOR WOMAN THAT MARRIES HIM! Find someone who isnt attachted at the umbilical cord to their racist parents and will marry you despite what people think


betseyville 6

He's just making an excuse. My brother is black and his wife is white. Her parents never agreed with their marriage but they have been married for 5 years. She really loves him. He was never planning on marrying you sweetie. Also, his parents must think this is 1956.

letitbe56 0

This is a true FML. I feel for you, OP.

X0XyentroucX0X 0

what a prick ... there are many relationships that are different ethnicities and still work out after years. ppl need to grow up and stop thinking its 1943. my parents got married who are two (mother black and father is of native Polish heritage) different ethnicities, there parents didnt improve until grandchildren came along all 8 of us. My parents are married til this day so far its been 18 years.

If anything, I think interracial relationships are slightly stronger than same-ethnicity relationships. Why? People who date interracially have to go through hurdles all the time. Trust me, I know. Besides staring and dissaproval, I've heard some horror stories of people actually being harassed because of it. Then there was that terribly sad news story of a black man and a white woman who were murdered while they were having a picnic because of their race. Found dead with their bodies intertwined with each other. :( They happened to live in the deep south, where racist groups still hide in the woodworks.

bubbles94 0

I agree with you. I've got interracial attachments and no matter what my parents say I would probably never be able to, or willing to change.

MaddogTotten 0

I'm sorry, but that is just bullshit. Every relationship faces challenges, without exception. Some just get more attention than others. I'm not saying things are easy, but it is unrealistic to compare one or two peoples situations with everyone else in the world, and say that they have it "harder" than anyone else. Unless you are in actual physical danger based entirely on your race, which at least 99% of the people we are talking about are not, it is impossible to blame all of ones hardships on race. Financial and political standings have a million times the impact on anyones life that race alone does. Our world isn't divided in to black and white, it's divided in to haves and have nots.

Freedom of speech? Of course. Doesn't mean he isn't a douchebag. :D Silly rabbit.

I know what you feel like, my Dad wants me to marry someone from the same clan of people as me