Silver linings

By Anonymous - 16/12/2009 19:28 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of over a year told me that he will never marry me because we are different ethnicities and his parents don't approve. I was of course very upset and crying. His way to comfort me was by saying, "Don't worry, I will always cheat on my wife with you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 199
You deserved it 3 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blackturquoise08 0

GET OUT, CHEAT ON HIS WIFE? POOR WOMAN THAT MARRIES HIM! Find someone who isnt attachted at the umbilical cord to their racist parents and will marry you despite what people think


MaddogTotten 0

Choose one, which is more important: preserving your culture and legacy, or dealing with racism? Why do people always have to have it both ways? There is a reason why we use the word tolerance. It doesn't mean abandon your own value system, traditions, and beliefs. It just means that people need to be tolerant of other people. Has anyone considered the fact that it is worse for him to bring an outsider in to his family than it would be to "cheat" on his wife? It is his choice to live by the wishes of his family and support his own culture, and she knew all about it when she decided to become involved with him. It was her choice to persue the relationship anyway. If you can't accept that family is sacred to some people, then you are being intolerant, and are worse than the "redneck" "racist" "prejudiced" people that you are complaining about. The beauty of free will is that he gets to decide the rank of importance of things in his life. The notion that racism is new is ******* laughable. People feel comfortable around people that look like them because they seem familiar, and are uncomfortable around people that seem unfamiliar. It is a natural occurance. Also, please don't fool yourself in to thinking that people needed any justification to degrade any race of people, the same people had been persecuting their own people for countless years before they decided to spread the love.

It doesn't sound like the op's boyfriend told her from the begining that it was against his culture for him to get married to her. Now if he were upfront with her and she continued to date him, then it would be her fault. I just think it's sad that he claims to be "in love" with her and not choose to marry who he wants. At least she only wasted a year on the relationship.

unknownuser1234 0

This was beautifully written. Whereas I quickly skimmed over other comments, I carefully read over this comment at least three times. I agree that different things are of importance to every individual. I just do not understand why he would be willing to go against his parents in the first place if they are that “sacred” to him. If your (I am using your in the general sense) parents are that “sacred” to you, I do not see why you believe that it is okay to do things that do not approve of behind their back because they do not know about it. Who are you fooling? In addition, I do not believe that it is okay for him to take advantage of the OP. If his parents, culture, and legacy are as sacred to him as you believe, than he should focus on these things of great importance, and do right by them at all times, not when it is convenient for him. If he really wishes to preserve his culture, legacy, and parents favor, he need to leave people they do not approve of alone and seek out people they do approve of.

MaddogTotten 0

I don't mean for this to be offensive, but the reason you are confused is because you are looking at it too narrow mindedly. You are basing your opinion on the assumption that the OPs boyfriends family disapproves of anything about their relationship other than the potential marriage. It is possible that they don't disapprove of the relationship, or the OP, or even of "cheating" on ones spouse. The only thing that we can be certain of is that they disapprove of the idea of him officially bringing her in to the family. If this is the case, you could only judge the boyfriend if you think that any relationship that isn't 100% committed to end in marriage is a farce and the people are evil for pursuing a relationship that they knew they wouldn't consummate in matrimony.

unknownuser1234 0

No offense taken. If my own biases are causing me to look at the situation too narrow mindedly and if the parents approve of him dating individuals who are not of the same ethnicity but do not permit him to marry them, okay. If he wishes to abide by his parents rules, all is well. All I am saying is that he should have given the OP a heads up. He should have informed her that he did not intend to be committed to her. If the OP decided to date him despite being informed this, then I would not argue on her behalf. Under no circumstances should anyone be misused in the way that his misused the OP. It’s just not alright.

MaddogTotten 0

I agree, in theory that would be the right thing to do. The problem that I have with it, and a similar post to yours several spots down, is that it isn't realistic. You aren't going to start any relationship out with "Hi, I have strict traditional parents, and have no intention of ever marrying you." 99% or relationships don't (or rather shouldn't) end in marriage. Casual dating is casual dating. No one should go in to any relationship with any expectations other than to let it run it's course and be treated fairly. In my humble opinion, the 1 year mark would in fact be the appropriate time to bring up this kind of issue. Honestly, a relationship that lasts less than a year could not be described as "serious", unless both parties would honestly admit that they moved way too fast. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, just that it probably shouldn't work out that way. The truth is, that most of the first year of dating someone is just getting to know them, and enjoying spending time with them. If you really want to get serious with someone, the smart thing to do is become friends with them, date casually, and really get to know who they are and how they operate. If you still feel as strongly for them as you thought you would, that is the time to start thinking about settling down.

unknownuser1234 0

A perfectly honest human being would start the relationship out with “Hi, I have strict traditional parents, and have no intention of ever marrying you." Why not? It is the truth. Relationships that are built upon lies, or hidden truths, have no potential to last. Why shouldn’t anyone go into relationships with expectations? Your philosophy proves that people go into things thinking only the worst. Is there anything wrong with having faith that a relationship would actually endure? Is there anything wrong with giving EVERYTHING, including relationships, your all? Or do you suggest that people continue viewing the world as a large pit devouring everything in site? I notice that you often advocate fair treatment. Treating a relationship fairly is allowing the relationship to prosper if it is going to. Not ending the relationship prematurely because your unfair selfish self only wanted someone to hook up with. I do not know the specifics of the OP’s relationship, so I will attempt to refute your claim that her and her partner casually dated. But for the record, relationships that haven’t yet reached the one year point are not casual by default. Both partners should agree that they are dating casually. Once deeper emotions are attached, it is no longer casual. You have claimed that it was alright for him to break up with the OP because they have reached the one year point, the so called claimed serious point. This is ludicrous. He should have broken things off before they had gotten serious, maybe then this would not have been a FML. Let’s not wait until things are serious and out of control before we attempt to do anything about them. Consider this: a doctor knew that you have had a life threatening disease for several years but decided to inform you, and begin treatment, when you were in your very last stages. Is he justified because he told you when the disease had gotten serious? I would hope not! I would hope that the OP’s boyfriend is not justified because he broke up with her after a year, that is, after they are officially serious by your standards.

Why does everyone assume, the guy is black? By the sound of it, I'd say he's Indian. Meaning that his wife will also be selected by his parents, not him. In India, this is actually a perfectly normal practice. Although, you should ask him if he will cheat on you with his WIFE. Then watch his reaction. :)

It could be that or he could be white and she could be brown. It is normal practice but thankfully it's being gradually phased out by the wealthier, city-dwelling Indians. It is definitely still the norm in the villages though.

MaddogTotten 0

Unless this FML is labeled as coming from India, that is highly unlikely. I have a pretty strong feeling that the families that arrange marriages in India are probably not the kind of people that would move out of India and/or be around people from other cultures all that much. I would say it is a million more times likely that the boyfriend is asian. It is very common for asian people in the states to date outside their race, but traditional asian parents are EXTREMELY unlikely to approve of a marriage. Since the boyfriend is male, they probably wouldn't give him a very hard time about dating a "white" person, but they wouldn't make it any secret that they would not approve of bringing her in to their family. Since family plays such an important role in asian culture, it would probably also explain his reluctance to go against his parents wishes. Long story short, my guess is he's Chinese.

I'm Scottish, Indian, Malay, Portugese and Italian - if a guy couldn't continue dating me for that reason I would tell him to GTFO. OP, if he really loved you he wouldn't listen to his parents. Dump his ass.

Dump his ass! Find someone who loves you for you.

unknownuser1234 0

I would advise individuals who have advised the OP to “stick to her own kind” to think before you utter a comment that is far more derogatory than you may have meant it to be. Human beings are not breeds of animals incapable of mating and living together in harmony (that is, without “old fashioned parents” and other ill natured human beings intervening). Step off of your pedestal; despite with you think, your “kind” is not superior to other “kinds.” History has proven that ALL “kinds” have contributed something of merit to the universe. This is not to target anyone who believes in evolution and not the bible. This is for individuals who use evolution as a justification to dehumanize humankind: refute the claim that human beings have evolved from animals, or ape like creatures. Maybe then you would stop being so animalistic and start behaving as if people who are not of your “own kind” are able to be with your “own kind.”

Honestly though, are you jewish? Well, whatever reason, this guy is a PIMP! Hilarious!

The only thing that I can find here worthy of comment is the OP's boyfriend's statement that he'll cheat on his wife with her. You both must be very, very young for this FML not to have been worded like this: Today, my boyfriend of over a year told me that he will never marry me because we are different ethnicities and his parents don't approve. I was of course very upset and crying. His way to comfort me was by saying, "Don't worry, I will always cheat on my wife with you." I don't remember what happened next, but I'm writing this from the county jail. FML.

unknownuser1234 0

OP, I feel for you. I have so much to say about this matter because I was in a similar situation. I, too, dated a boy for over a year before he broke up with me. Before we started dating, both of us knew that neither his parents nor his family would approve because I am African American and he is Africa (so for the people who assumed that one of the partners is white and one of the partners is black, this may be the case, though it does not have to be). Being naïve and gullible, I decided to be in a relationship with him anyway; he somehow managed to convince me, a girl who thought she would never be manipulated after witnessing other guys taking advantage of girls way too many times before, that he really did love me and was willing to elope if it meant us staying together. A year later, he told me that he did not love me and would never love me. The moral of this story is that under no circumstances should you allow a guy to take advantage of you. I really did love him and I really was willing to give up things and people I cared for for him. Now I realize that those feelings were not mutual. How was I affected? As promised, I gave up things and people for him. For one thing, I gave up my pride. I also gave up people I once considered friends because, for their own selfish reasons (liking him, not liking me, etc) they were against us dating. I left my tight knit school, which I’ve attended from 5th grade to 12th grade, alone. Of course, I didn’t feel lonely because I felt as if I cut them out of my life for the right reason. Was he the right reason? I soon found out that he was not. Realizing that they were willing to hurt me definitely was the right reason though. OP, he already has his mind set. He will marry a person who his parents approve of. Don’t allow yourself to continue being his fool. You can do without the sleepless nights. You can do without the tears (When I think of all I was willing to do to be in a relationship with him and what he did to end the relationship, tears still form). Don’t put anything on the line for him because he is not willing to put anything on the line for you. Everyone else who believes that everything is merry for the OP and this guy will suffer tremendously if he does not allow his parents to dictate his life, the OP will deal with as many things, if not more things than the guy she date(d). I know I dealt with more things than my former boyfriend can ever understand. OP, save yourself the heartache. Please. :)