Silver linings

By Anonymous - 16/12/2009 19:28 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of over a year told me that he will never marry me because we are different ethnicities and his parents don't approve. I was of course very upset and crying. His way to comfort me was by saying, "Don't worry, I will always cheat on my wife with you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 199
You deserved it 3 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blackturquoise08 0

GET OUT, CHEAT ON HIS WIFE? POOR WOMAN THAT MARRIES HIM! Find someone who isnt attachted at the umbilical cord to their racist parents and will marry you despite what people think


So, leave the asshole! not a FML though be glad you can still get rid of him.

haha sucks for you having a black boyfriend. Or even worse, ur black! Either way im LOLING MalcolmX Reppin

annalovescheese 0

thats cute and retarded at the same time lol

azn365 0

Wow, I heard a similar story a few days ago! :O my friend had to break up with his girlfriend just because she wasn't Mexican!

yuck!!! would you want to b with someone who cheats anyways? besides the fact that his parents racist!

you should dump him because if he is not willing to stand up to his parents for you then that shows he doesnt love you enough and he's not worth your time.

Okay, the cheating thing was most likely a joke. You guys can calm the f down.

Damn,, Fuckk Themm Hoess. ! Ahaha, But Atleaastt Hee Tryedd Cheerinqq Yuu Upp (: It Showss Datt He Lovess Yuu.