No spoilers

By Anonymous - 22/12/2021 08:01

Today, I've been perfectly dodging all spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home. Deleted social media, muted some people I don't trust, everything. Then someone came in my university WhatsApp group (which I need to check for exam notes) leaked it an hour before I was gonna go watch it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 937
You deserved it 242

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rotflqtms_ 21

So you see they start to talk about spiderman and you just don't read it. You block them until you see it and move on.

Who would have imagined that Spider-Man was his own mother!?!?! I did not see that coming.


rotflqtms_ 21

So you see they start to talk about spiderman and you just don't read it. You block them until you see it and move on.

Who would have imagined that Spider-Man was his own mother!?!?! I did not see that coming.

I don't see this as a big deal at all. I mean, yeah, spoilers suck, but it's not a life or death situation. Your life isn't ruined because someone spoiled something in a fictional movie. Sheesh.

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Decipherme 11

But wait… if watching a movie about a dude pretending to be a hero, is the excitement of your life, you should reassess the things you fill your life doing.